Laura & Zayn

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Zayn's POV:

"Stop touching my hair Louis!" I say and slap his hand away. "Don't be such a twat" he says and sticks his tongue out to me. "Shut up" I mumble. "What climbed up your trousers?" Liam asks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Nothing, Liam, I'm fine" I hiss and he raises one eyebrow. "Stop being concerned! Let's just go to this stupid boat ride" I say and grab my bag.

Simo thought we need to take some time off, we worked hard this month. We went from one interview to the other, from concert to concert and place to place.

"You guys need some time off" he said. I was happy, I could go see my family. But no, our 'free time' was going to a stupid boat for a week. Us 5 and 20 other people. I don't want girls fangirling in front of my face!

"Liam I don't want to" I say as we step out of the door. "We'll keep the girls away from your hair Zaynie boy" Louis says and this time it's enough.

"Louis just SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yell and everyone stops walking. "Zayn what's wrong? You're acting all weird and distant" Harry asks and Liam lays his hands on my shoulders. I shrug them off and walk further. Niall walks to me and grabs my hand. I was planning to pull my hand back but I can't, not to Niall. That'll hurt him and the last thing I want is to hurt Niall.

"Sorry mate, Simon told us to go" Liam says and I huff. "And since when do we follow the rules?" I look at Louis and he bites his lip. 

"God, let's go, I'm sick of this" Harry says and we step into the car. The car ride was kinda awkward till Niall fell a sleep on my lap and Harry on Louis. Liam is driving.

Louis falls asleep after 10 minutes and I sigh. "Zayn, now tell me what's wrong" Liam looks in the rare view mirror at me and I look down. "Sorry I snapped" I say and Liam sighs. "We know you didn't mean it Zayn, it's fine" he says. "But what's wrong, all week you've been a little...grumpy?" he says and I glare at him. Then my eyes soften again.

"Sorry Liam" I say and tears appear in my eyes. "Woah Zayn, don't cry" Liam says concerned. "I'm fine, just not in the mood to talk now" I say and lay my head against the cold window. "I'm worried about you, please come to me if something is wrong alright? Doesn't matter when, even if it is at 3 at night. Promise?" he asks me and his eyes glare at me. "I promise" I mumble and tears spill out from my eyes.

I never cry in front of the boys, I just can't. I'm the Bradford BadBoy, I'm strong and don't care about what other people think, I can't cry. But I need to, I'm human. I need to cry sometimes. And Liam and I are really close, so what ever.

I wipe some tears away but I then I give up, they are with too much.

Then the grip on my waist tightens. "Zayn? Are you crying?" Niall whispers and I shake my head to deny. He sits straight up and then buries his face into my neck and wraps his arms around me. I lay my face on his shoulder and then a sob break through my not so controlled façade. He holds me tight against him. "Shh, it's fine" he says and I wrap my arms around his small body and he moves a little so I can rest against his chest.

Liam begins to sing moments and Niall hums with him, I slowly fall a sleep.

I hear mumbling, someone's talking. "I'm worried Liam" Niall states. "I know Niall, me too. I don't know what's wrong with him and he wont tell me." Liam sounds so concerned. 

"Guys, you might wake him up, quiet" Harry says. Harry is up too, and they are talking about me. "We're here, wake him up or is someone going to carry him?" Niall asks. I keep my eyes closed. "I'll carry him, he needs his sleep" Louis says and I feel 2 arms slip underneath my body.

I feel a little bad for yelling at Louis this morning, I'll say sorry later. I don't have the strenght to say something now and Louis arms are comfortable. "Shh, Zayn it's fine" Louis says when I shoved a little. I burry my face into his shirt and sigh. Suddenly Louis makes a little jump and my breath hitches. He lands on a unstable ground and I tense. I open my eyes slowly and look at Louis. "Hey sleepy head" he says and I roll my eyes. "Where...." I ask and look around. "The boat" he says and I groan. He sighs and places me down on my feet.

He walks towards Harry and lays an arm around his waist. Liam is checking us in and a group girls are watching him with big eyes. That is just what I meant.

Suddenly I feel light headed. I blink a couple of times but his awful feeling appears in my head and stomach. "Liam?" I ask and he turn around, his eyes widen and I fall down to the ground.

"Is he going to be alright?" A shaky voice asks, Niall?

"Yes, he just fainted." a girls voice says and I feel someone pressing a finger against my wrist. "Can one of you maybe pick him up and lay him on the sofa there?" the voice asks and I feel 2 arms pick me up again, then my back hits the soft couch.

My eyes flutter and I blink against the light. "He's waking up" Harry says and I look a side. My head hurts and I groan. "Stay still, you fell pretty hard and we don't want you to faint again right?" I look up again and see a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes. "Er..." I say. Woah she's beautiful, I just can't....

"Liam, can you bring me that towel there? Make it wet first" she says and Liam rushes away, then comes back and the girl presses the towel against my head. I sigh satisfied. "So Zayn, how do you feel?" she asks. Ofcourse she knows our names. "My head hurts" I whisper and she nods. "Can you see me clearly, follow my finger" she says and holds up a finger, moves it to the left and to the right and I follow it.

"Let's help him up" he says and Louis helps me sitting straight. "Any pain in the neck?" she asks and I move my head. "No it's fine" I say and she gets the towel off my head. "He'll be fine. If he begins vomiting then bring him back to me, alright?" she says to Liam and he nods. "Thanks...?" 

"Laura" she says and smiles warmly at him. "Thanks Laura, really" he says and she nods once. "So what is One Direction doing here on the boat?" she asks and I close my eyes for a second. Harry sits next to me and I open my eyes, looking at him. "Are you alright mate? You're pale" he says and I shrug  "I'm fine, just bring me to my bed please" I say and Harry supports me to our room.

"With who am I sharing?" I ask and he bites his lip. "Look, er....I wanted to share with Lou....and Niall with Liam.." he says and I sigh.

"So I am with some random stranger?" I ask between my teeth. "Your random stranger arived" Laura steps into the room.

"Guess we're sharing a room" she says and my jaw drops, I quickly close it and see Harry smirk. "I'll leave you two alone then" he says and winks at me.

"Er..." I say and she rolls her eyes. "I'm taking a shower" I say and walk into the bathroom. Woah that girl is hot, like,,,stunning. Maybe this trip will be good.

I end the shower and put on boxers and shorts. I step out the bathroom and bump into Laura. "Woah...oh hey Zayn, sorry" she says and then blushes when she notices my bare chest. 

"It's fine babe" I say and then mentally slap myself. Babe? Really?

She smiles a little, then walks to the mirror and begins doing her make-up.

"Why are you putting all that stuff on your face?" I ask and she glares at me. "Er...duh. It makes me a little less ugly" she mumbles and this time my jaw actually hits the floor.

I can't stand when girls say that. I walk over to her, spin her around and press my lips to hers. She makes a surprised sound and drops her mascara. then begins kissing me back.

"Don't ever say that, you're beautiful" I say and she blushes. "I'll prove it" and I kiss her again.,,

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