Rita and Liam

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Rita's POV:

Today we have an audition at school for something... I don't know what. But I like singing so much, so I'm participating. That's weird right? Participating for an audition that you don't even know what kind of?/

guess I'm weird so no problem.

"Jane! Are you auditioning?" my drama teacher screams at me. "Yeah!" I answer and she smirks. "That's lovely, I hope you're going to make it. Some famous boyband is going to sue the winner for their tour video clip!" she says exitedly.

Woah, a famous boyband? Could that possibly be One Direction? 

I'm way to obsessed with One direction, I know Liam's birthday, I know all their songs by hard, they are actually my life.

But no, they are no wear near here. That would be....weird. I follow them on twitter and if they were near my town, they had to mention that in one of their tweets.

"so, Jane, which song are you going to sing?" my drama teacher asks.

My real name is Rita, but everyone calles me Jane.

"I think the A team by Ed Sheeran" I say and she nods. "Greath choice, you have Maths at the time of the audition, so I'll come and get you from the classroom." 

I walk to my friends. they all squeel that it is so cool I'm auditioning. They complemented on my face before, but I'm always crying here, from happiness ofcourse.

"I think you're going to make it!"

"I'm sure!"

"You have such a wonderfull voice"

"They have to pick you"

'Guys you are so sweet" i say and pull them into a group hug.

The time goes fast and the recess ends. The bell goes and I walk to my math classroom. I hate math, I hate formulas and equations, i hate parabolas and calculators. I don't know what I'm going to become later, but Maths in NOT included.

"Jane, will you come with me?" my drama teacher asks and I grin. My class wishes me luck and I walk with my teacher to the stage. A girl is performing Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry and my smile fades.

She's so good, way to good. I'm never going to make the audition. Then a Hazy voice sounds. The song ended. "That was beautiful, now we have some questions for you"

I recognize that voice! That's.... no it can't be. Stop rita, you're driving crazy, it must be the nerves. I go backstage and take a nip of my water bottle. 

"Omg i was so nervous. One direction actually talked to me! they said I make a good chance!" the girl that just got of stage squeels.

"WHAT?" I scream and she turns around. "One direction?" I say softer. She nods heavily and goes on squeeling.

So i have to sing for one Direction? WHO IS THE IDIOT THAT CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA? 

I'm never good enough for their limit!  "Jane" the hazy voice calls. I was right, it's Harry.

"good luck!" my drama teacher says and the music starts to play.

I sing my song and after that, everything is silent.

"Was i that bad?" I say in the microphone, it stays silent. Then the hazy voice answers. "Woah, that was amazing" he says and then i see them, sitting in the middle off the hall. All their eyes wide open. the light blinds me and then the light is gone. I can look normally to them.

A smile appears on my face. they just called my singing wonderfull. 

"I'm speechless" Zayn says and leans back, he examinates me, making me feel self concious. "No doubts, we're taking her" Liam says and my eyes get big. They are taking me? Am i picked?

"So your name is Jane?" he asks me and I nod. "Congratz Jane, you're picked to join us on stage in the next 5 concerts." Niall says and my jaw drops.

i smiel a wide smile and then they all get up, run to the stage and wrap me into a tight hug,. "Guys... can't...breath" I exclaim and they let go off me. Louis jumps forward and pecks my cheek. "Tell us a little about yourself" he says and we sit down.

I tell them about myself, about almost everything. my sports, my friends, that I like frozer yogurt and that my favorite color is red.

"I'm so glad we picked you" Liam says and gazes into my eyes. I still have class.

"Guys, I need to go to my class again." i say and they frown. "No you don't, we'll get you out of it" Zayn says and lays his arm around my shoulders. They are so nice, and hot, not to forget sexy and stunning.

We walk out of the school, right to Starbucks and get something to drink. We talk more and more, but my gazes slips to Liam's eyes every minute. Every time i look at him, he's looking in my direction.


"You have beautiful eyes" he says and the boys look at me. i blush and thank him. "Somebody has a crush on you, Jane" Zayn says and slaps Liam's back.

Did I see that wrong or was Liam blushing?

They say that my parents need to agree with it, and I need to stay with them in their tour bus.

No, I don't need to, they just said that because they want me too.

I agreed and called my parents, they agreed too and Louis drove me home to get my stuff. We arrived at the tour bus and I smirk.

We walk inside and suddenly the boys all scream and i get pushes a side. "I CALL THIS BED" They all scream and I look confused.

"no, we can't let Jane sleep on the sofa." Liam says, he has the biggest bed. "Then maybe she has to sleep with you in your bed Liam" Harry says and Liam blushes.

"If you don't want to Liam, we can switch, I would love to sleep next to Jane" Zayn says and winks at me. I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"Alright, come here Jane" Liam says and helps me up to his bed. The boys all went outside and Liam and I are chatting about the concerts.

our hands touch and I blush. He smiles and takes my hand. I look at him and his brown eyes gaze into mine.

"I'm so glad we picked you" he says and the next thing i feel are his lips on mine.

I pull back.

'I'm glad I'm chosen" 


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X-x-x Noa

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