Cyn's Wave of Pain (Part 1)

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(A/N: Italics are Nobody POV)

Did he really think this was gonna go over well with us? Josué looks like he wants to murder him as bad as I do. I was wondering why he was so flip flop throughout my childhood. How could he stand by and watch his brother do this shit to his kids? He's just as bad and I'm pissed off that my mother is so fucking understanding. I would be trying to murder his ass.

Cyn: *jumping on him putting the gun to his head* Are you fucking kidding me?! Did you really just say that bullshit and think we were gonna be fine?!

Joel: I'm sorry Cynthia.

Cyn: Fuck your sorry! You saw what he did. You let all of this happen for what?

Joel: I was scared too.

Cyn: Bullshit! Nobody was as scared as I was. I lived with that man for 16 years. *tears falling* I was the one who lived through the abuse of me and my mom. Where were you when he swelled her eye shut?! Where were you when I was being beaten so bad I couldn't go to school the next day?!

Jen: Baby it's not worth it.

Cyn: Why not?! Why are you so forgiving after everything we've been through?!

Jen: There is no way in hell I forgive him but you are not a murderer. You live for the law because of what you endured. Don't let them take anymore from you.

Cyn: *tightening her grip on the gun* I think he should die like his brother. He's just as guilty.

Josué: It's not worth it C.

Cyn: He's guilty. He should be punished.

Erica: *slowly wrapping her arms around her* You're right love he is guilty and he should be punished but not like this. Hand me the gun Cynthia.

Cyn: Why do he get a free pass?

Erica: Look at me baby. You should thank him.

Cyn: WHY?! *Erica jumps but Cyn don't notice* He's never done nothing for me but bring me pain!

Erica: That pain made you into the best officer to ever stand in blue. That pain made you into the woman I'm gonna marry. That pain made you the best mother my kids could ever ask for. He will get his judgement day. He may be guilty but the most innocent thing he has ever done was create the love of my life. Hand me the gun Cynthia.

Cyn: *releasing the gun slowly* Get the fuck out my house and when you see me walk the other way. You don't know me and I don't know you. My father is dead and you are nothing. Next time I won't be so nice. *walking away*

I have never seen her so angry and so cold. She was not the Cynthia I have grown to love. Joel was still on the floor and everyone was looking at him with hate but nobody hated him more than my wife. I was actually scared to touch her cause that was the same look that Josh used to give me when he would talk to me or beat my ass. I'm hoping that she's calmed down cause I'm so afraid to walk to the room.

Erica: I think it's time for you to leave.

Joel: I really want to explain.

Jessica: You dumb as shit. Didn't you almost die three seconds ago?

Josué: We don't wanna hear it. You've had over 30 years to explain and make it right but you didn't so you can leave us alone. We are not your children. Our father is dead and if you don't wanna join him you better leave us alone.

Mari: Goodbye Joel. Forever.

Joel: But...

All: BYE!

Heart Under ArrestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora