Thrown To the Wolves

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Reporter: We are here at the underpass leading outside Manhattan. Where that has been a shooting of a police officer. We have learned that the officer is Captain Cynthia Santana. She was here diffusing the situation of a man who took a school bus hostage. The man took an officer's gun and shot Captain Santana. Captain Santana is unconscious on her way to Lenox Hill Hospital. We will keep you updated on this story as it unfolds.

*Right after the shooting*

Baker: Commissioner, Captain Santana has been shot.

Frank: How is she?

Baker: She's unconscious on her way to Lenox Hill.

Frank: Suspect?

Baker: Still in custody.

Frank: *confused* Still?

Baker: Christian Wells was the shooter but he was in Officer Howard and Lopez custody.

Frank: Once IAB get their statements. I want them and the copy of the statements here now.

Baker: Yes sir.

Garrett: *storming in*

Frank: I already know Garrett.

Garrett: I told you that she shouldn't have been the one out there.

Frank: She was shot while the perp was already in custody of another officer.

Garrett: How do you know that?

Frank: I'm the Commissioner it's my job to know everything.

Garrett: So are you giving a press conference?

Frank: I thinking about it.

Garrett: Thank harder Frank. I'm putting together your speech whether or not you are gonna do the press conference. *walking out*


IAB: So Officer Howard how did the suspect get your gun?

Howard: He elbowed me in the gut and snatched it out my holster.

IAB: So he was handcuffed in the front?

Howard: Yes. Captain Santana cuffed him like that.

IAB: So I was told that the suspect was calm when he put in your custody. How did he get riled up?

Howard: I don't know. Maybe his ex wife did it.

IAB: So you didn't say anything to him?

Howard: No.

IAB: Can your partner attest to that?

Howard: Yes he can.

IAB: That's all for now.

Howard: Thank you. *walking out the door*

IAB: You can send Officer Lopez in.

Lopez: Yes sir.

IAB: At any point you can have a union rep.

Lopez: I do. He's on his way.

Rep: I'm here we can proceed.

IAB: Officer Lopez how long have you and Officer Howard been partners?

Rep: Not relevant. Move on.

IAB: Officer Howard said that he did not provoke the man or say anything to him. Can you attest to that?


Frank: *walking in the hospital* Hello I'm...

Erica: You're the Commissioner. I'm Erica Mena.

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