I'm Not Joshua (I'm Sorry)

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I can't catch a fucking break! My girl is pregnant and my bitch ass father just kicked in a $3000 door. Why am I going through so much shit in my life lately? I do everything I'm suppose to do but my life always seems to spiral out of control. I looked at Erica and she was shaking with fear but her fear wasn't my father it was me. Why is she so scared of me? Then I looked over at this stupid nigga. He had this dumb ass smile on his face. He must not know I'm a cop or he wouldn't have bust through this door. I turned my phone on calling Jason so he could hear. He should be here soon with a few other officers.

Cyn: Babe go upstairs we will talk in a min.

Erica: Ok. *walking upstairs fast*

Cyn: What the fuck do you want Joel?

Joel: I came to see you. I've missed you.

Cyn: Yea right. I haven't seen you since I was 16. You don't give a fuck about me.

Joel: You're right about that one. Your stupid ass mother would let me kill you when you and that god awful twin was born.

Cyn: Yea I heard about that. What do you want now?

Joel: To do what I should've done 28 years ago.

Cyn: And what's that? To accept that girls exist in this world?

Joel: No to kill off all the bitch ass daughter I got.

Cyn: I would like to see you try. *putting her hand on her gun behind her*

Joel: What you gonna do huh fight me? You were a punk ass child before so I know you're even worst now. Now come with me or your so called girlfriend will find you dead in here.

Cyn: I'm not going anywhere with you now get the fuck out my house before I fuck you up for breaking my door.

Joel: Let's test that theory. *walking towards her*

Cyn: *aiming her gun at him* Get the fuck out Joel.

Joel: You don't know what to do with that.

Cyn: My credentials says other wise.

Jason: Cap are you ok?

Cyn: I'm fine. Arrest his ass for me.

Jason: Sure. *handcuffing him*

Cyn: Hold on before you take him. *whispering in his ear* You may have been the law back then but I'm the law now. You are about to be in for a world of pain. Thanks for making me tough dad. *stepping back smirking* See you later Joel.

Jason: Need anything else Cap.

Cyn: I need his file, and anything you have on the name Romel, on my desk in the morning.

Jason: Gotcha. What about your door?

Cyn: I'm on it. *calling someone* Hey Kris I need you to come and fix my door. Yea the same oak wood but a little stronger. Thanks. *looking up the stairs talking to herself* Now for this. Be with me Lord. *walking upstairs hearing Erica sniffle* Babe?

Erica: *jumping up* I'm sorry please don't hate me.

Cyn: I don't hate you baby I'm just disappointed in myself.

Erica: You don't want a baby with me?

Cyn: Not right now.

Erica: I'm sorry. *walking towards the door*

Cyn: Wait! *grabbing her arm*

Erica: *flashbacks of Joshua plagued through her mind* I'm sorry please don't hit me. I didn't mean to I will get rid of it. *dropping to the ground covering herself and crying* I swear I didn't mean to do it. I will have the surgery like you wanted I will do anything just don't hit me please. *saying I'm sorry over and over to herself*

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