Missing (Part II): I Pwomise

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At the moment its been four hours and we are still looking for my kids. Erica finally calmed down but she is still on edge. I was looking at the tapes and saw who grabbed our children. This has to be a fucking joke but I will take care of them in a minute. They walked to the basement with them and it looked like the kids were passed out. I saw what door they went into and called everyone on the walkie talkies. Time to end this shit once and for all.


Lyric: I tant Natir. *tears rolling down her face*

Nasir: Yes you can. I be wight here.

Lyric: Dey gon hurt us.

Nasir: I tect you. I pwomise.

Lyric: Pwomise?

Nasir: Pwomise. *kissing her cheek* Now go. *whispering to himself* Mama where are you?


Cyn: Nobody better start shooting until you know my kids are safe. If yall shoot my children I'm killing everyone. Got it?

Officers: Got it.

Cyn: On three. 1... 2... 3. *busting in the door*

Female: Please help me he tried to kill me and he took the kids and lost them!

Male: Bitch what?

Cyn: Both of yall on the ground! Cuff them both. Nice to see you Tasha and Derrick.

Tasha: *smirking* I don't think you should be handling this case its a conflict of interest isn't it?

Cyn: Not if its true. Where are my kids?

Derrick: Dead. Now can we go?

Cyn: Sure I heard prison is wonderful for people like you.

Jason: Nah its gonna be hard for people like them cause they hate when people do shit to kids.

Cyn: Damn that is right. Sorry not sorry. Take them. Search this school and find my children! Now!

Officers: *scrambling* Yes ma'am.


Lyric: I seepy Natir. *laying on his shoulder*

Natir: I know. Get on back and I carrwy(carry) you.

Lyric: Otay. *climbing on his back laying down*

Natir: *talking to himself* I tect you Lywic. Hurrwy(hurry) up Mama, I tied(tired).


Erica: Where are my babies Cynthia?

Cyn: They are hiding somewhere. They escaped from... Shit! I know where they are. *running to a vent* MARCO!

Nasir: POYO(POLO)!

Cyn: My baby boy is too smart. Jason pop this vent open.

Jason: Got you Cap. *popping open the vent*

Cyn: *taking off her holster and giving it to Jason* I'll be right back. *crawling in the vent* Marco!

Nasir: *tiredly* Poyo!

Cyn: *turning the corner seeing Nasir crawling slowly with Lyric on his back* Hello my prince and princess.

Nasir: *tiredly* Hi Mama. Finyee(Finally). *passing out*

Cyn: I got yall. *grabbing them both and crawling out*

Erica: My babies! What's wrong with them? *grabbing them from Cyn*

Cyn: They are probably going in and out of consciousness due to the drugs they were giving.

Erica: Drugs?! Who would do that?!

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