Do Anybody Listens?

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Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Eve! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Years and sorry 4 the wait!!! That should cover it all😂😂😂

I have been pacing back and forth hoping that my mom is ok. I tried to do the right thing and not shoot that asshole in the head but I didn't have a choice this time. I made sure he was dead this time because I shot four more round into his fucking heart. My house right now has a whole fucking cleaning crew, and everything, in it so we are going to Leslie and Malia's house. I was gonna go grab my kids from Tanya but she said leave them and she will take them to school. I'll go drop them off some clothes after I leave here.

Doctor: Family of Jennifer Santana.

Cyn: *standing up* That's us. How is my mom doc?

Doc: She is recovering well. She did lose a lot of blood but she wasn't stabbed near any major organs. She will make a full recovery.

Cyn: Can I see her?

Doc: Sure she's in room 250.

Cyn*shaking his hand* Thank you for everything doc.

Doc: No problem just doing my job. *walking away*

Joel: Can I see her please?

Cyn: I don't think that's a good idea.

Joel: Please I wanna apologize and I have something to tell her.

Cyn: Fine but any bullshit for you and I'm beating your ass. *grabbing Erica's hand* Come on beautiful.

Erica: Baby I'm sleepy.

Cyn: I know once I talk to my mom we are leaving.

Erica: Ok.

Cyn: *knocking on the door*

Jen: Come in.

Cyn: *walking in* Hey ma.

Jen: Hey híja.

Cyn: Are you feeling ok?

Jen: Yes I am. Now are you gonna tell me what's going on?

Cyn: No he is. *pointing to Joel walking in*

Jen: *shaking* I thought you shot him.

Joel: No she shot my twin brother Romel. He has been impersonating me for a long time.

Jen: Is this true?

Cyn: I'm afraid so mom. I'm gonna let y'all talk I need to get my wife home and I gotta go see my kids.

Jen: *whispering to Cyn* Don't leave me I'm scared.

Cyn: He's not gonna hurt you. *cocking her gun* Are you Joel?

Joel: *swallowing hard* No I swear.

Cyn: He knows if he do anything shady he will be meeting his brother in hell. *kissing her mom* I love you and I will see you later. *picking up a sleeping Erica walking out*

Joel: I'll start from the beginning...

*The next day*

I woke up and didn't see Cyn anywhere. It took me a minute to adjust to the scenery. Then I remembered that we spent the night at Leslie's house. I got up and saw my phone blinking on the stand. I walked to it and saw I had a video from Cyn.

Cyn: *on the video* Hey beautiful, sorry I wasn't there as you were waking up but look... *kissing her* ...I gave you your kiss and I love you. I will see you later I had got called in this morning. Tanya took the kids to school and I told her that you will be there half of day so you don't have to come in until 12. See you and love you. *blows a kiss to the camera*

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