Her Story

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Hunter's POV 

The bright shining sun was what woke me up today. I looked down and saw Eleanor still fast asleep on my chest, I smiled at how peaceful and innocent she looked. She looked like her life was simple, like nothing had ever happened to her. I rubbed her arm thinking about her life and everything that had happened when I was there. Having to deal with her parents divorcing not once but twice, her uncle with ALS, and now her grandfather with lung cancer. How she does it, I have no idea. She is so strong but she doesn't see it. I am going to try my hardest to give her the amazing life that she deserves. As I was zoned out watching her, she stirred. 

Eleanor's POV

I felt someone rubbing my arm and I instantly knew it was Hunter. I stretched and turned over, he was looking at me smiling. "What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked him suspiciously. "Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend, is there something wrong with that?" He asked me and started caressing my cheek. I chuckled at him and he looked confused. “Well if you had a beautiful girlfriend then that would be one thing.” I responded entirely seriously. He just looked at me after I said that, he looked sad but more frustrated then anything. I have always been self conscious, ever since I started third grade. I was always overweight and never thought I looked pretty. I also never really had any friends. In 6th grade there was 3 girls that were my “friends.” You know those people who pretend to like you and talk to you in public but then talk about you behind your back. They finally stopped talking to me all together by 8th grade. I had become friends with a girl named Alison in 7th grade but for some reason unknown to me, she stopped talking to me a week before High School graduation. When I got my first job, which was at McDonalds I befriended a girl named Kallie. I had talked to her a few times in Middle School but we never really became friends at that time. She became my best and only friend. In my freshman year of High School I met Jasmine, all three of us clicked and we have best friends ever since. I also thought about the bullying I went through starting in middle school. I remembered my past relationships, and the other guys who wanted to get involved with me that I wanted no part of. I got a little worried and emotional thinking about it. 

Hunter's POV 

I hated hearing Eleanor talk like that about herself. What could have happened in her life that would make her think that way about herself? “Babe, you need to stop thinking and talking that way about yourself. You obviously don’t know how amazingly beautiful you are and I;m here to remind you of that. I don’t like to see you hurting. Please tell me what’s wrong, I want to help you and help you see how amazing you are. 

Eleanor’s POV

I was almost in tears to see how much Hunter actually cares about me. I am so new to this, I have never had someone this worried about me, not even my parents. It usually isn’t easy for me to open up to people, I’m a very shy person, but I felt different with Hunter. I can trust him and feel safe also. I went on to tell him everything about my past, he was very understanding and didn’t judge me. I really don’t deserve him, but whatever I did to get him, I’m glad. The rest of the day was just spent in bed as a lazy day watching movies. This is exactly what I needed. 

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