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Eleanor’s POV:

I looked to my right and low and behold there stood that really cute guy I had been seeing around all day. He had a smile on his face and I returned the friendly gesture, but then looked away because I knew that I was blushing. A few seconds later I heard him say hi to me, so I turned and said hi back. He continued the conversation by asking what my name was. I told him it was Eleanor but I didn’t think to ask what his was because I was so shocked that a cute guy had come up and talk to me without it being about work. The last time that happened was with my now ex boyfriend 4 years ago. We got to talking more and joking, he was actually really funny. We hadn’t moved from the spot we were standing in for over 15 minutes. Once we did finally move it was only because he bumped into me and knocked me down because someone had shoved him out of their way getting off the ride. He immediately started apologizing and held his hand out to help me up. I took it and stood up telling him not to worry about it and it wasn’t his fault. He still felt really bad I guess  because he kept repeating “I’m sorry” and “are you okay?” all the while still not letting go of my hand. He finally took off his sunglasses with his free hand and I got a good look at his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. I gasped wide eyed and froze. When I was finally able to move, I dropped his hand and sprinted the other way. I can’t believe it was him, I can’t believe I fell in front of my idol Hunter Hayes. I feel so embarrassed, I also can’t believe I just ran away from him. I can hear him yelling my name but I just needed to get out of there and not look back.

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