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Charlotte's POV

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Charlotte's POV

"Come on!" "Everyone is going to be there!" Ariana said as she pulled on my legs, dragging me out of bed.

Did I suddenly wake up back in high school?

"Ariana!" I squealed.

She wanted me to go to beach with her and the rest of the friend group. Cameron was taking out the boat and apparently he 'invited me'. Which only means Ariana forced him to.

I sighed as I opened my eyes and stared at her with her arms crossed.

Well, this could be an opportunity to try to talk to Cameron more. Or I could just avoid him the whole day.

"Fine." I said.

She clapped her hands together and smiled. "Hurry up and get ready." "David is going to take us to meet everyone."

~ Three days earlier~

Justin's POV

"Scoot?" "What's up?" I asked as I sat down.
He texted me telling me he had something important to tell me. Apparently it was too important to say over the phone so, here I am.

Brandon was also here, which was making it feel like some type of intervention.

  "If your here about going back on tour, I don't care about what you have to say. You might as well leave." I said, that being the first thing to cross my mind.

"No, its not about that. You know I 100% support you on that." He said. "Your mental health always comes first. Which is why I have to tell you this already."

"I can't sit back and keep watching the two of you like this anymore." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him confused. The two of us?

I looked back at Brandon, was he referring to us two? Huh.

He let out a deep breath and said "I have to admit I clearly did not know what I was doing. I didn't realize how badly this would affect you." "Frankly... I didn't think it would get this far."

"Scooter, just get to the point." I said, getting bored with all that he was saying.

"I thought you needed a break from Charlotte." He said, making me scrunch up my lips. The mention of her name made my stomach turn. "I thought that if you were away from her for some time, you would be less distracted, that you'd get to work. But I realized it did the complete opposite."

"Scooter..." I said as I leaned forward in my seat. "What the fuck are you trying to say?" I asked, still confused.

He stayed quiet as he looked down at the ground. He sighed and said "Charlotte left you because I asked her to." He said, finally making eye contact with me. "She did not use you for fame, or for money, she lied because I asked her to."

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