Chapter fourty six

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Justin's POV

I sat down in the table out in terrace with Maejor, Scooter, Za, and Allison, checking my phone very five seconds.

"Relax man. She'll text you once she's free." Maejor said.

Charlotte went back to school, officially. Classes started already and her and Ariana went back, along with David and Cameron.

"How do you deal with it?" I said, annoyed that I couldn't talk to her whenever I wanted anymore. Not only was the time zone difference a problem, now she had class, after school programs to attend to, and study sessions.

"She's just at school." He shrugged his shoulders. "We still talk everyday."

I sighed and placed my phone done. Maybe I'm too attached. How is he so fine with this? I haven't heard from Charlotte since last night, I'm anxious to talk to her.

My phone vibrated and I quickly grabbed it.

"It's her." I said out loud.

hi babyyy

Haven't heard from you all day :(
Where have you been?

I just got out of my first lab quiz
I think I did pretty good
but idk
but yeah
Today has been pretty hectic

I bet you killed it
What you doing now?

Walking across campus
trying to get to my other class
what about you?
what have you been up to mister

not much
I'm with the guys at home

That sounds nice!
Tell them I say hi
but jay I'll text you later
gotta go now
i love youuuu

I love you too princess

Charlotte's POV

I made it down the hall, and now stood in front of the classroom where I'll be taking my next class.

I've been having fun these past two weeks, I won't lie. Although I'm not the most social butterfly type of person, I've made a few friends thanks to Cameron and Loren. I do not have any classes with them, but we do get together at the end of the day at the cafeteria, or at study hall, everyday.

Also, I have been staying with Ashley, who is living near campus, so I'm able to go out at night to the bars everyone goes to a few times. It's making me want to move out here, and get my own apartment.

It's been very easy to adjust to this new life. It makes me feel some sort of guilt because I know Justin is not having as much fun as me. Although I do miss him, I don't struggle as much as him with the distance, which kinda makes me feel bad but, I've barely had time to think about it. If I'm not in class, I'm studying. My brain is occupied at all times.

I do text him at every chance I get. We had agreed on calling each other before going to sleep but, lately, every time my head touches my pillow I immediately drift away to sleep, so I always end up missing our calls.

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