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Is everything okay?
I haven't heard from you in some time.

I'm okay

I heard you went out of town.

I'm staying with my family for a while

That sounds nice
I was wondering, have you talked to Justin?

Not recently

Alright kid
Take care

Charlotte's POV

That was weird.

I shook it off and placed my phone down, and focused on the moment. We were all by the beach, on the small bar we've made our spot for the summer.

"Scooter just texted me." I told Ariana.

"What did he want?" She asked.

"I don't know." "He just asked about me. And then if I had talked to Justin."

"Have you?" She asked.

"No. I told you we haven't spoken since that day." I said. "I think he only talked to me because he was drunk." I frowned.

"Why don't you talk to him?" "He did say he wanted to see you."

"Yeah, because he was drunk."

She rolled her eyes and said "You know, I've been talking to Brandon..."

"What?" I asked surprised. Every time the whole gang hung out together, my friends and Justin's friends they would talk, and we would tease them about it, but I didn't think they actually kept in touch.

"Like friends." She said.


She ignored my comment and said "What if we do something, and I invite him so he brings Justin."

"Why would we do that?" I crossed my arms.

"Because you want to see him, and your obviously way too pussy to talk to him first, and so is he. This way it'll be casual!" She said.


I did want to see him. And I like the casual idea. We both have separate lives now, I don't really know what he's up to so, this way I don't risk getting rejected. And I can avoid any awkwardness

It's a great plan.

Justin's POV

"I wasn't invited. I'm not gonna go."

"Man, quit being a wuss." "Wash up and let's go." Brandon said.

I ignored him and focused on the TV.

"Get up bro. They did invite you. They told me to tell you."

"Are you scared?" He asked in a teasing way.

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