Chapter Fifty Four

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Charlotte's POV

I got to Justin's and mine's house, like I normally do on weekends, after a long chaotic week.

After the night i texted Justin while drunk, I have decided to not talk to him anymore, i'm just going to make things worse between us. I'll wait till he decides to come here, if he is still planning on coming here.

He has reached out, but we haven't addressed what happened le what is going to happen. He just checks in every now and then.

I settled my stuff and went down to the kitchen to make myself a meal. Today has been a hectic day, i've been up since five am, had classes till three, now it's six in the afternoon and i haven't had anything to eat.

I didn't have much of an appetite, but i was starting to feel sick so i'm forcing myself to eat.

I made some chicken breasts and ate it with some veggies.

After I was done eating, I cleaned after myself and grabbed a water bottle.

I went back upstairs and took a nice hot relaxing shower.

I threw on my white robe after hopping out, and proceeded to do my skincare. Today I decided on throwing on a mask, and sat in bed to watch some tv as I let it do it's wonders on my skin. I was so relaxed, I could feel my eyes close on its own. It wouldn't be long until I fall asleep.

If I hadn't been scared by a loud creek.

I quickly jumped up and opened my eyes.

Justin had just walked in through the door. I awkwardly stared at him due to the situation we were in, not knowing wether to get up and hug him or just stay in bed and let him do whatever.

"You're not gonna say hi to me?" He said as he walked towards me. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

He sighed and made himself comfortable as he laid down over me, resting his head on my chest. "Let's just put everything aside, okay?" He said as he held me. "I miss you."

I held onto him as well and used one hand to massage his scalp.

"I thought you were coming next week." I mumbled as i closed my eyes again.

"Yeah... oh well." he said. "What do you have on your face?" he asked while chuckling softly.

I opened my eyes, just remembering i had a mask on, and said "I have to wash it off. It's a face mask."

"You look so cute." He said as he got off me so i could go to the bathroom and wash my face. As i was doing so, i spotted him out of the corner of my eye, standing by the door frame.

By the time I was done washing my face he was almost standing next to me.

"You're being weird." I said.

"why?" he said as he pulled me closer by my hips. I threw my hands around his neck and looked up at his eyes.

He kissed my forehead and then smiled.

"Justin..." "I can't just act like everything is fine." I said as i shook my head. He can't just show up here and start being all cute out of nowhere.

He sighed and laid his head on top of mine.

"Justin." I called on his name, hoping that he'd get more serious.

He sighed and said "Fine." "You wanna have this conversation now?"

"Yes!" I said. I wanted to get it over with, I don't want to keep stressing about wether he's gonna dump me or not.

"It's stupid!" he said. "I'm gonna say that I miss how things were, I miss you not being busy all the time, and being next to you as much as i can, and then you're gonna tell me that you can't do anything about it cuz you're studying, none of us want to end it so, we're gonna stay like this."

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