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Charlotte's POV

I got to the airport where everyone is meeting and saw the rest of the dancers and team.

It's currently five in the morning, I woke up less than an hour ago and I still feel sleepy. Today we are traveling to the first stop of this leg of the purpose tour.

I saw Elysandra and walked over to her. She's one of the few people I've befriended during rehearsals.
"Hey!" I said.

"Hi! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to fly with Justin?" She said. "What?" I asked. "Yes! I heard Scooter say that." She said. "He did?" I said and looked around for scooter. "Yeah." She said. "Thank you." I said and walked towards scooter.

You have got to be kidding me.

"I'm leaving with Justin?" I said and crossed my arms. "Hello to you too kiddo." He said and smiled.

"I'm leaving with Justin?!" I repeated. "Yes, you are flying with Justin." He said. "Can I know why?" I said. "He requested to. He said he had already talked to you, and that you agreed to it." He said.

"He never told me about this!" I said as I widened my eyes.

"Hey." Justin said as he walked towards us. He put his arm around my shoulders, "C'mon, you are leaving with me." He grabbed my stuff, then he dragged me along with him. I looked back at Scooter, with a confused look.

We walked through security, and now we are boarding Justin's private jet.

"Why did you want me to travel with you?" I asked, walking inside the empty plane. "Do you have a problem with flying with me?" He asked.
"Why would you want to fly commercial when you can have a private jet?" He chuckled.

I ignored his comment and took a seat. I was still sleepy, and grumpy, I didn't really feel like talking to him.

He sat down across from me and went on his phone. I fixed my hoodie and threw my head back as I looked out the window as we lifted from the ground. This is going to be a long flight, isn't it?

The last few days we had been spending it together, but I tried to avoid him at all costs. Unless we were dancing, I would practically run away from him, I didn't want to repeat what happened the last time we were alone. Now I didn't have much choice.

"You look pretty today." Justin said. I rolled my eyes, taking his compliment as a joke. I was in sweats, no makeup, bags under my eyes... I look like a hobo.

"So..." he said, trying to start a conversation. "Your song is coming out soon, isn't it?" He said. "Oh, yeah." "I forgot." I said. He chuckled and shook his head. "I take it your not that excited for it."
I shrugged my shoulders and said "It's hard to be excited about anything this early. I don't know how you're so... energetic."

"Maybe it's because you don't eat breakfast. I bet you didn't eat before getting here, did you?" He said. "Maybe." I said.
"You didn't. You hungry?" he asked. "I'm fine." I said. "Alright. Suit yourself." He said as he got up. Then he came back with a medium sized box of pizza, and sat down on the same spot.

He opened the box and wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh. "Alright." I reached over to the box and grabbed a slice.

"Hey, do you have something to drink?" I asked. "Yeah, hold on." He said and stood up. A few seconds later he came back with two water bottles on each hand and his pizza on his mouth.

"Oh my god." I laughed. "Hold on, don't move." I said and reached for my phone. "What?" He asked as he put the soda can down and took his pizza in his hand. "No! Go back to how you were! I want to take a picture of you." I giggled. He put the pizza back on his mouth and grabbed the can. I opened the camera app as I giggled and recorded him.

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