Chapter Fifty

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Charlotte's POV

I was back on campus, running to my next class, which i was already ten minutes late for.

Justin had just dropped me off here, the ride was thirty minutes, which passed by flying. Even though we were both pretty much dead from last night, we spent the whole car laughing and talking. It was nice.

I made it to my class and quietly sat down in the back.

I took my phone out and decided to let him now i made it.

i got to class!
drive safe <3

i'll see u later?

yeah :)

Thankfully, today was friday, so I did have the time to go back home and stay there with him.

Justin's POV

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?"

was the first thing i heard as i entered my home. I raised my eyebrows and looked around for Brandon.

He had texted me he was coming over, didn't expect to find him in this state. He was standing by the big window in the living room with his phone pressed against his ear.

He let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"You're bringing up old shit. Ariana... for fucks sakes, stop with the excuses! How come Charlotte managed to show up although she had a test? huh?"


"Ariana!" he raised his voice.

He let out a sigh and sat down as he placed his hand over his gf.

"This isn't working for me."

Oh shit. Is he breaking up with her?

I wasn't sure wether i should leave him alone or be in the room.

"No. I don't want to be with you if it's gonna be like this. You put in cero fucking effort, it feels like i'm the only one who cares about this relationship."

His conversation about his relationship made me begin to think about mine and Charlotte's. I felt the same way.

Every time i come visit it's great, we reconnect, we have fun, but then I go back to LA and i barely hear from her, and it fucking sucks.

My time with her feels limited, and my mind begins bringing out thoughts that I... I really wish don't become my reality. I don't want her out of my life, I don't want to lose her. Although it already feels like i am.

"Babe... no, that's not-that's not what I want. I just can't go on like this. I need to know if we can make this work or if we should just... say goodbye and go our seperate ways..."

I turned my back and walked away, not wanting to listen to anymore of the conversation.

I want to enjoy the time I have with Charlotte, I don't want to think of the possible reality of having to live without her. But, maybe it's time for her and I to have a conversation, and for me to tell her how i've been feeling lately.

She says I'm not gonna lose her, but it doesn't feel like i completely have her for me to be able to lose her. She rarely tells me anything anymore, I wasn't aware she had made new social accounts, i found out last night, and it was because she was telling other people, not me.

I sighed and got my phone out in a hunt for her new accounts. Maybe i'll find other things i don't know about in them.

I went through my follower list and typed out her name, since she said she added me. I found a few pages, amongst her old page, but there was a private one that was followed by Ariana and David, seemed the most real to me. I requested a follow and went through my phone as i waited.

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