Chapter fourty five

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Hey kid!
We have some things to talk about, give me a call soon!

Charlotte's POV

I sighed after reading scooters text and looked over at Justin who was n his computer.

"What is it babe?" He asked without looking away from his screen.

"Scooter texted me." I said. "I don't know how I'm going to tell him I'm done with music." "What's worse, text or a phone call?"

"Why don't you tell him in person?" Justin suggested. "You still have some time off before you start school, we can go back to LA, get your things, and you can talk to him."

I was scared of telling him. I know he wanted me to sign with him, he really believed in me in the industry, but I want to be my own person. Although it was not going bad for me in that world, I don't want to be living in Justin's shadow.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He couldn't take his eyes away from the computer for a second.

"Nothing." He said. "Just finishing a few projects."

I sighed and went over to the living room. I sat down on the couch and began looking through my curriculum.

I was very scared to start school. I feel like I've lost all study habits and I'm going to do horrible. I'm going to be so behind from everyone else, I probably don't even know how to do basic math anymore. I'm genuinely worried about myself.

I'm risking so much, my chances of becoming a musical artist, ruining my relationship with scooter, and my relationship with Justin that I just got back with. I have to do good.

"Miss, are you okay?" Justin creeped up on me. I put on a small smile and nodded. I don't want him to know I'm second guessing my choice.

He laid down on top of me and I said "Weren't you busy with your computer?"

He laughed and shook his head."I needed a break."
He rolled over and laid down next to me now.

"You gonna go back to LA with me? Until you start school?" He asked.

I sighed and said "Yeah. I'm kinda obligated to."


"Look who's back." Maejor said as I walked into the studio.

We got back to LA two days ago, I told my mom about the situation with my dad, and college, and like always, she said she supported whatever I wanted to do. Now I just have to break it to Scooter.

"Hey babe." Justin said as he walked up to me, and kissed my lips.

"Where's Scooter?" I asked.

"He's not here yet." He said.

"What do you need him for?" Maejor asked.

"I just have to talk to him about something." I said.

"About what?"

"Charlotte is going back to school." Justin said.

"Didn't you graduate already?" Maejor asked.

"College." I said.

"Oh." He said. "But, what about making music?"

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