Chapter Fourty Eight

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Charlotte's POV

"So this is where you stay at." Justin said as he walked into what's mine and Ashley's apartment.

"Yes." I said. "Well, for now. I kinda wanna get my own, have my own space..."

Justin nodded and followed me to my room. He threw himself on the bed and extended his arms out for me. I smiled and happily laid down next to him.

"Are you gonna drop me off at campus?" i asked.

"Yeah." he softly said.

"What are you gonna do while i'm at class?" i asked as he began to play with my hair.

He shrugged his shoulders and kept on running his fingers over my hair.

"David is free during this period. You can hang out with him so you don't get bored." i suggested.

"I'll just wait for you to get out. If you think Ashley doesn't mind me staying here." He said.

"She probably won't be here till night time. You're good." I told him.

He moved his hand now to my face, caressing my cheek so gently. He leaned in closer and slowly kissed my lips. I kissed back for a few minutes and then pulled away.

"I have to get going." I said before pecking his lips once more.

He kissed my lips one last time and then said "Let's go."

We got into his car and be drove me to campus.

"Where do i drop you off?" he asked.

"That building over there." i said as i pointed towards the chemistry department.

"What time do i come get you?"  He asked as we approximated the building.

"I get off in like an hour, around 3:20" i told him as i began grabbing my stuff.

"I'll see you later jay."

"Bye baby."

I pecked his lips and got out of the car, making my way to class.

Justin's POV

I watched her walk away and drive off once she was no longer visible to me.

As i made my way towards the apartment complex she's been staying, i spotted a small coffee shop. Since i have some time to kill, I decided to go in. I brought my computer with me, and my headphones, so I could work on some stuff while she's at class.

I have a lot of projects on hold, Scooter is up my ass, and although i'm still pretty pissed off at him for what he did, deep down I recognize he has every reason to be. But I haven't been motivated to do anything these past weeks. All my energy is consumed by missing her.

I know it's not healthy but, I've been obsessing over her, checking my phone all day to see if she's contacted me, her posts to see what she's doing... it's getting pathetic. I know that.

I just fucking missed her.

My phone began ringing, and i mentally groaned at the name on my screen. Scooter.

"yo." i answered the call.

"You're out of town?"

"yeah." i said as i kept working on my computer.

"Kid, you have a photo shoot in three days, you recall?" he said.

I tightly shut my eyes and rested my head on my palms. "Fuck." I whispered.

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