Chapter fourty four

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Justin's POV

Although Charlotte said she was fine, I took the liberty of flying over there, mainly because... I miss her.

I arrived at the airport and ubered my way home. I hadn't told her I'm actually coming, she thought I was joking around.

I unlocked the door and walked in with my luggage. The house was pretty quiet, so I'm not sure if she's here or not. I didn't want to make any noise in case she was here, I wanted to see her reaction when she sees me.

I went upstairs and slowly opened the bedroom door, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"I'm fine" my ass, how come she's laying in bed in the middle of the day?

I set my stuff down and ran over to the bed, and jumped on top of her.

She jumped and let out a loud gasp, making me laugh.

"Oh my god." She squealed as her eyes widened while she looked at me. "You're here!" She said as she wrapped her arms around me tightly, causing my cap to fall off. I chuckled and laid down on top of her.

"How are you baby?" I said as I kissed her cheek. "I'm good." She said while laughing.

I got off of her and said "Why is it so dark in here?" I stood up and went to open the blinds, getting a look of the oceans in the far. Not going to lie, I missed this view.

"Did you just get here?" She asked. "Mhm." I said as I kept looking ahead. "Aren't you tired?" She asked.

"No. I'm starving." I said dramatically. Knowing her, she's probably been here all day, without eating. If I ask her, she'll say she's not hungry, if I just say I'm hungry she'll agree to go get food.

"Wanna go grab some food with me?" I asked her as I sat by her feet, and putting my hat back on.

"I don't wanna go out jay. Let's just order in." She said.

"Babe, I've been doing nothing for twelve hours. In a plane." I said. "Please, let's go out."

"I'm not feeling it today Justin."

"Please?" I said. "We can go do something chill, and then go out to dinner at night." "It'll be fun." I said as I rubbed her leg over the blanket.

She sighed and threw her head back, indicating me that she was giving in. "Fine." She whined.

"Get ready." I told her.

She lifted her arms up for me and I pulled her up, making her laugh and caught her balance as I placed her in the floor. She raised her arms again and said "Can I have a hug?"

"Of course baby." I said as I went into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly, instantly feeling peace at her touch. I just hope I'm managing to bring her the same.

She let go of me and said "I'm gonna go get ready then."

"Good girl." I said as I watched her walk away in just a sweatshirt that belonged to me and underwear. I missed that view most of all.

She went into the closet and came back with the same sweatshirt and some biker shorts. She added some socks and a pair of dunks.

"I'm ready." She said.

I went up to her and kissed her forehead. "Let's go baby."

We got in the car and made our way towards the shore, to a small restaurant we once went to years ago.

We sat down inside and instantly were sat and given our menus. Charlotte sat across from me and scanned through her menu with a bored expression on her face. I could tel she was still upset, so my mission today will be to cheer her up.

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