Chapter fifteen

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"Okay, what was that?" Ariana asked as we walked into my hotel suite. I took in a deep breath and turned to look at her.

"What's going on?!" She asked.

"We said goodbye." I said as tears began to form in my eyes. "What?" She said, I don't know why she's so shocked. I wiped my eyes and nodded. "But, What was that hug? Why did you guys talk for so long?" I thought... I thought you guys were hooking up or something."

"We did. For a while." I explained. "But it was too much. He can't keep his feelings for me separately, and neither can I." I told them about what we did during tour, how we used to meet up after every show until not long ago. What happened the night I met Neels, how I cried in his chest in the airplane on the way back.

"Oh my god." Ariana said in a sad tone as she and Loren read the text message Justin sent me the other night.

"Why didn't you answer him?" Loren asked. "Because, then scooter called me and then Justin knocked on my door..." I said. "Oh right." She said. "Besides, what was I gonna say?" I said.

"I just, I feel so bad for you guys." Loren said. "He's so sweet." Ariana said, with a frown. "I know." I said and sighed. "Which makes it ten times worse."

"So you're not gonna go on tour again?" Loren asked. "No." I said. "I'm gonna miss him so much, but I can't keep going on like this." I said as tears silently dropped down my face.

"Tell him the truth." Ariana said.


"Charlotte, just tell him." She said.
"And then what?!" I said.
"I don't know." Ariana said.
"Get back together! You can keep it a secret from everyone." Loren said.
"Scooter can't just come between us as if... I don't know! As if this were a game." Ariana yelled, starting to get mad.

"Ariana, I would. But-" "But What?" She interrupted me. "What is he gonna do if you tell him? I know Justin would be pissed." She crossed her arms.
I shook my head and wiped my eyes as I quietly sobbed.

"Charlotte." She sighed. "If you don't tell him, I will."

"Ariana, this isn't some stupid game." I yelled. "I know!" She yelled back. "You are two people who love each other, who aren't together because some fucking guy said you couldn't."

"You think that's a good idea? After I told him our relationship was a lie, that I used him, that I never loved him, to tell him that I did love him after all and I lied because Scooter made me?"
"After all he's gone through? And now he's finally over me, I'm just supposed to drop this on him?" I said.

"You really think he's over you? Just because he says he's letting go? Did you not pay attention to the text at all? He's hurting! He wants to be with you, he loves you! He's gonna be more than happy to hear you love him." She said.

"He's not going to believe me." I said as I closed my eyes. She sighed and walked out of the room. Loren put her arm around me and held me as I cried.

I took deep breaths of air and tried to calm myself down.

"I think you should tell him too." Loren said, in a much more calmer tone than Ariana. I shook my head and wiped my eyes. "He doesn't deserve my mess."

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