instagram post

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you and the guys were having a lazy day today. jack and you were sitting on the couch watching reruns of friends when jack turned to you and said

"hey y/n, want to go skateboarding?" he asked

"jack you know i don't know how " i said giving him a look.

"hey I can teach you" he suggested. You thought for a moment before agreeing. You quickly put on a snap back and headed outside to see jack holding 2 skateboard.
he started by teaching you the basics. he held your hand while you tried to ride.
all of the sudden you both saw a flash go off behind you. you both turned around and saw August with his camera out.

"hey jack this picture came out pretty dope, you should post it" he told jack.

'yeah ill post it later" jack said. he continued to teach you until it was dark outside. you went inside and saw that jack had a new post

 you went inside and saw that jack had a new post

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Teaching this cutie how to skate. she is way better at it than zach is...😉


while in Portland with the guys, you all decided to go for an early morning hike. the hike was long, but it was worth it in the end, when you saw how beautiful the view was from up there. you couldn't help but sigh in awe and rest you head on corbyn's shoulder as you admired the view. the boys and you spent the whole morning taking pictures and eventually walked back down. at night, while at the hotel you were scrolling through Instagram when you saw corbyn's post

 at night, while at the hotel you were scrolling through Instagram when you saw corbyn's post

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she thought the view was beautiful...i thought she was even more beautiful


the boys were going to the beach today with you, because it was an off day for them.
the guys and you spent the whole day in the water.
in the evening everyone got dressed into more comfortable cloths. the guys wanted to leave , but you were still standing near the shore. as you were standing there you felt a pair of hands wrap around you from behind.

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