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Jonah: Jonah wasn't the jealous type. he trusted you no matter what, but when it came to Logan it was a totally different story.

you guys were currently at Logan's apartment shooting a mashup for the boys.

"hey who's the pretty lady?" Logan said to you while holding his blog camera. 

"oh im y/n" you said introducing yourself. 

"well y/n why don't we make this blog sexual, you know for the views" he said clearly joking as he laughed into the camera.

"how about we don't" Jonah said hugging you from behind and glaring at Logan

"oh she's your girlfriend. noted. i will back off' Logan said raising his free hand in the air in defense and smiling into his camera.

let's just say that after that day you were not aloud to go to Logan's alone. ever.

Daniel: being the shy guy that he is, he didn't really know how to react when he was jealous. especially when the guy flirting with at the moment was no other than Jake Paul.

the boys, Logan and you were at Jake's house hanging out.

"so y/n" Jake said stretching his arm and putting it around you

"Jake pauler's meet my new girlfriend" he said into his camera. He was being very straight forward that he liked you.

at this you saw Daniel shift uncomfortably in his seat. he was glaring at Jake from where he sat.

you took his arm off of you as nicely as possible and were about to say something but Logan interrupted by saying:

"yo dude she's got a boyfriend and he's way better looking than you"

after this you walked to where Daniel was sitting and sat next to him. Daniel put his arm around you and kissed your head.  Jake looked into his camera and made a crying face.

the next time Logan wanted to go to Jake's house with you guys. Daniel refused to let you go.

Jack: jack was definitely the jealous type and he wasn't afraid to show it. 

you guy's were at the team 10 house hanging out. 

you had asked Jake if you could use the bathroom and he told you it was right next to the stairway. as you were making your way down. you saw Alex Lange walking down the stairs. he saw you he smiled and hurried down. 

"hello beautiful what's your name?" he said touching your hand 

"y/n and i have a boyfriend' you said taking your hand out of his grasp.

"y/n what a beautiful name and it doesn't matter, he doesn't need to know" he said getting closer to you. 

you were noticeably uncomfortable. the boys were in the other room with Jake and Logan and they could clearly hear the conversation between you two. 

as Jack got up, clearly furious Logan stopped him and told him not to hurt anyone. jack simply nodded and continued walking towards you two.

'hey babe, everything OK?" he said grabbing you by the waist and kissing your cheek as he made it obvious that you were taken.

"uh yeah" you said still uncomfortable. jack took you by the hand and walked back to where the others where. 

when you sat down you had a clear view of the kitchen, which is where Alex was. he was staring at you while talking to the Martinez twins. every time you looked at him he winked at you.

"hey Daniel can we switch seats?" you asked him

"why im pretty com-' he started

"JUST SWITCH SEATS WITH ME" you whispered/yelled angrily 

"OK fine" he held his hands up in defense, but switched with you. 

over here you couldn't see the whole kitchen, just the right corner of it. Alex moved to the right side to see you again. you felt super uncomfortable.

you acted like you had got a text message from your manager Thalia

you quickly texted her to pick you up she texted back saying she would be there in 10 minutes.

"oh im sorry guys but Thalia said she has to pick me up for some important um business stuff" you said coming up with an excuse to leave 

"no you said you were fr-" zach was gonna say but you kicked him on the ankle.

"i-i mean OK see you later then" he said glaring at you.

"bye guys" you said to them and left.

when the guys came back you found out that jack gave Alex a black eye.

zach: you were at the team 10 house (yes again) sitting with the whole team 10, the boys and Logan, when the twins came over to you.

"hello you are beautiful" one of them said. then the other one hit him and said "i was gonna say that" you were very confused.

"will you be my girlfriend?" one of them asked. you were gonna answer him when the other one said "no will you be MY girlfriend?" 

"um guys i have a boyfriend' you tried to explain to them, but they didn't understand 

"yeah i wanna be your boyfriend" one of them said followed by the other one hitting him and saying that he also wanted to be your boyfriend. 

you were trying to explain to them that you had a boyfriend but you didn't know Spanish so it was hard for you to get them to understand you.

at that moment zach came in and furiously said
"Ella tiene novio" (she has a boyfriend) and kissed you in front of them. they seemed to understand and left awkwardly.

"you never told me you knew Spanish" you said smiling at him.

"i don't, i asked Alex over there to help me out" he said hugging you closely

corbyn:  you guys were at Logan's house because he called and wanted you and the guy's to be in his vlog.

the boys were playing on the ramp that Logan made in the balcony while you were inside playing with Kong. 

Logan's friend Brendon (he's in almost every blog) sat next to and started a conversation.

an hour later the boys were leaving and you got up to go when Brendon grabbed your arm gently.

"um it was nice talking to you and i was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out some time" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously 

"oh um im sorry, but i have a boyfriend' you said to him. you felt bad because he was a really nice guy. 

"oh um OK im sorry i didn't know" he said

"its OK, but we can be friends" you offered and he agreed.

when you guys were outside Corbyn pulled you in for a kiss.

"what was that for?" you asked him.

"For being the kind person you are and because i love you" he said 

"i'm guessing you overheard" you asked  

"yeah and im glad you turned him down. i don't know what i'd do if you left me" he said kissing you again

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