Part35: invisible

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Emily made the figure up in her mind, the question is; how is it alive?

Why did she want an imaginary friend like that? To turn on her?

One by one it started to eat them, her dad was first. It sucked his brains with it's lizard tongue like a straw, soon he deflated until there was nothing but dead skin laying on the cement.

Cutting open Emily's mom, it took the baby from the womb. She cried and cried while her mom died from too much blood pouring out of her body. Finally, the baby just stopped; the black figure put her to sleep and laid her down on the couch in the corner, then continued its killing.

Emily and the baby were left.

Slithering toward Emily, it stopped.


Chuckled and smiled in a demonic way.

She knew it was time.

Picking Emily up above its head, she went down the hatch. Screams of agony burned through the chest, making it laugh uncontrollably.

Silence filled the room as it picked up the baby and vanished.

It didn't kill the baby.

Where did it take her?

"Mom, where am I?"

"Emily! You're awake!"

The doctor rushed in with a smile ear to ear, she had been in a coma.

"I had the worst dream."

She hugged Emily tightly and smiled.

"I'm just glad to hear your voice, don't worry about that dream; just know you're safe now."

Her eyes go black.

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