Part10: Playground Rules Don't Apply

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That night, Emily couldn't stop fidgeting in bed. Her urges were getting worse, and she couldn't control it. She realized the pills don't work if you don't want them to, I guess she didn't want them to work at all.

As much as it hurt her, she wasn't going to be able to control herself. Her visions of what is to happen were sick, not something anyone would want to see. She thought if she got rid of the boy at the park, the urges would go away and she wouldn't regret it.

She was going to get that boy.

"Good morning sunshine, love what you did with your room so far." He sits on the edge of the bed, "look who I got." She sits up rubbing her eyes, she yawns and looks over, "Jak!" She hugs him as he purs, "thank you dad." After her dad leaves the room, Emily gets dressed and makes her way to the kitchen.

"Hope you like French toast and Bacon." A heaping plate of French toast sits on the table, Emily grabs two slices and Bacon. Her dad pours her and himself some orange juice, smiling as he slides it toward her reach. Devouring everything on her plate, she licked the sticky syrup off her cheek. Gulping down the rest of her juice, she grins. "Can I go play outside?"

He nods, "just be careful please, and throw on clothes for outdoors." Changing into black overalls and a red T-shirt, she takes off outside. Halfway down the block, she sees the boy that yelled at her. Sneering at him, she finally makes it to the park. Looking over the rules, she knew the perfect one to break. The slides were meant to go down, not up. That rule didn't apply to her, she was going to break it.

Gripping both sides of the tallest slide she's ever seen, she begins making her way up. "That's against the rules. Get down!" The young boy yelled at her, she didn't care. "Come and get me if your so worried about the dumb rules." Rolling up his long sleeves, he takes the long way, meeting Emily at the top. "Slide down normally, you know you broke a big rule."

"Let me up. I'll fall." He moved out of her way, not knowing why she just yelled that. Holding the bar above her and grabbing the boy with her legs, she dangles him off the edge, he was backward watching the ground beneath him. "I- I can't get up, please don't let me fall." Emily grinned with hatred in her eyes, "it's against the rules to hang on the slide. I guess you'll have to drop." He begins breathing heavy as the tears ran down his face, "please. I don't want to fall." Her legs were getting tired. "Oops."

She dropped him, breaking bones as he fell. She slid down to him, bending down to his face. "Tell anyone it was me and I'll break the rules on your face." Attempting to get up, he pulls himself up by a tree stump. He nods and takes off limping home, crying the whole way.

She was satisfied with injury, it made her laugh.

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