Part32: Caught

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The plan was starting to fall into her little hands, she wasn't going to only get rid of the baby, she was also going to get rid of her parents. Only one thing went through her mind.. How would she make it look like an accident? What would she do?

As she got home, she ran straight to her room. Pulling out a pencil and paper, she began drawing and mapping out her plan. Marking where her mom was going to die, she put a big red dot in the nursery, a blue dot in her bedroom for her dad.

A big sinister smile ran across her face, she'd finally be a happy girl, or at least she thought.

When would this take place? She wrote down a date, and a time. Tonight was going to be peaceful as blood covers the floors, it was going to look like a bunch of suicides once she was done doing business. Trying not to look suspicious, she goes out straight to her mom.

"Can I feel your tummy?" Her mom sits down low enough for Emily, she puts her ear to her moms tummy. "Hi baby.. What is it?" Her mom smiles and pats Emily's head, "it's a girl." A girl, Emily thought, now she knew she'd have to get rid of it, and them. A sister would ruin everything, she'd be spoiled and loved more than her.

Her head was filled with the idea everyone would forget about her. She hugged her mother and smiled, skipping off into the kitchen. Quietly, she pulled the drawer open, pulling out a sharp, long knife.

"What's with the knife Em?" Her dad asked her, making her jump a few feet. "I was gonna cut some french bread, why?" He looked in her eyes, then grabbed the knife from her hands. "I've got it, wouldn't want to cut yourself." Deep inside, he knew she didn't want bread.

"How much do you want Em?" She makes an amount with her hands, "just a smidge please." Emily grabs the bread and storms off into the bedroom, she knew this wasn't going to be easy.

Stuffing bread in her mouth and chewing angrily, she knew it was time; time to take her revenge on her parents.

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