Part18: She Forgot

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"Hello." Emily's dad answers the phone.

"Your daughter needs to be picked up." The familiar voice says.

"Emily, are you really having that bad of a day?" He could hear her breathing heavily, he felt bad.

"Yes. Please, I'll try again tomorrow." He shushes her, trying to calm her down.

"On my way Em. Won't be long." Her dad takes off to the school, he wondered what happened.

"Here to pick up Emily Muse." He lays his hands on the desk, waiting for a response. The woman at the desk flashes her chocolate eyes at him, "I.d please." He hands her the card, she puts his information in the system. "You're her father?" He nods, why wouldn't he be?

It was only halfway through the school day, so she probably thought it was odd. He didn't care, he wanted his daughter to feel better. "Excuse me, Mr. Plead?" She yells through the speaker.

"Yes?" He yells back.

"Emily Muse's father is here for her. Can you send her to the office?" He nods his head, "of course, Emily feel better." She slightly smiles as she finds the office. As her dad sits in the chair, the office woman looks at him. "Daughter have issues?"

"No. She's perfectly okay, she's just not feeling to great today." He felt defensive, what she said came off as rude. "Dad. I'm ready to go." He hugged Emily, "let's go home." Holding her hand, he helps her into the truck.

"What happened today? You were doing so good." She wipes the tears starting to come down her face. "I was scared, I forgot to take my medicine. What if something would've happened?" She was right, something could've happened. Her dad didn't want that. "Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions, want ice cream?" She nods, it sounded great to her.

Handing her a cone, he bites into his. Licking most of the leaking ice cream, it starts to run onto her pants. "Here." He hands her a few napkins, she begins cleaning up the vanilla puddle on her legs and arm.

Finally making it home, Emily runs straight for her medicine. "Here dad, help me."

Pouring the right amount in the cap, he hands it back to her. Also handing his water bottle to her. Dripping the medicine into her mouth, she smiles as it washes away down her throat. "Thank you dad, I'm glad you can help." He smiles, grabbing juice from the fridge, dropping the fizzy capsule in it. "Don't forget this." She chugs it down and grins as she sits on the couch.

Her dad watched Emily closely, he knew she was doing good. "Proud of you Em, I hope you know that." She nods, "I do. If it wasn't for you and mom helping me, I wouldn't be your happy girl."

Speaking of happy, her dad checks the mailbox. A letter from someone reads, 'Jim♡' on the front. He knew Renae had sent it to her, he would read it later. He smiled as his heart melted, maybe, just maybe they could be together again.

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