Part2: Lies

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As she enters the house, her mom looks at her yellow dress. "Did you fall? Why is there blood all over you?" She looks down, pretending she hurt herself, she was smiling secretly beneath the frowns she gave. "I had a bloody nose and didn't have any tissues." Her mother shakes her head as she helps take Emily's dress off, "let's try not to ruin all your nice clothes, got it? Wear your overalls when you go play." She nods her head, she knew it would be easier to sneak things out of the house.

"Can I play a little longer? We were in the middle of hide and seek." Her mom smiles brightly, that was the first time she heard her daughter had a friend. "Sure, why don't you invite your new friend to dinner?" Her emotions go blank, "she doesn't want to meet you." After throwing a white T-shirt and overalls on, Emily runs out the door, leaving her mom to question why Emily just said that. Blowing that little talk past her, she continued making dinner.

Emily found a dirt pile, and decided she'd play by herself for a while. A bird falls out of it's nest not to far from her, caressing it in her arms, she lays it on the inside of her hollowed castle. A sinister laugh comes out of her mouth as she smashes the castle, along with the helpless baby bird. A boy, about twelve years old, approaches Emily with a confused look. "What's so funny? Why are you all alone? Does nobody like you?" She gives the boy a disgusted look, "why are you asking so many questions? Aren't you to old to be playing outside?" He glares, "I am only eleven. I can play if I want to." He kicks the dirt where the bird was buried, he takes a few steps back. "Did you kill it?" his voice crackles as he said it.

"What if I did? Are you gonna tell your mommy?" She mocked his scared, crackled voice. "By the way, I'm Emily."

"Emily, I'm Michael. I think you're crazy." He tries to walk off, "wait." Turning her direction, he raises an eyebrow. "What do you want?" She smiles with gentle eyes, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I would never hurt an animal, wanna play tomorrow?" That was the third lie she's told today, she's not finished. He nods his head, "sure. If my mom says it's okay." She giggles to herself, "I have dinner to attend to. Nice to meet you Michael, I will see you tomorrow." He walks off, she does the same.

"Wipe your feet and wash up young lady." Emily knew that meant another talk, but about what? Sitting at the dinner table, her mother fixes the plate and slides it to her. "It's your favorite, chicken nuggets and French fries." Smothering her chicken in barbecue, she chuckles remembering what she did to the bird. "So, why were you being mean to mommy?" Emily's mother asks kindly. "Sorry, I just really wanted to play. I haven't made a friend in months." Nodding her head, she let's Emily off the hook. "Be nicer next time, how about some rest?"

Emily threw herself underneath the blankets, she had dreams about the horror she had caused.

She was ready to 'play' with Michael.

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