part15: Medicine

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Emily's dad ran out to Jak, bringing him back into the house. Laying him gently on the couch, he told Emily. Emily didn't react, but he knew she cared. He was right, Emily has lost all emotion besides happiness, she couldn't even cry for Jak. If that was his daughter, she'd be bawling, but she's a robot.

Bringing Jak to the vet, he found out what was wrong. It was sad, but he knew he'd be okay.

"We are going to need to amputate his back leg, it won't work any longer and it's infected. He also has a broken tail." Her dad put his arms between his legs and screamed into them. "So he will be okay?" The doctor nodded, "of course. He'll be back on his feet in a matter of days, just don't let him out anymore. Come back in a few hours." He knew Emily would be devastated, if she could be. It was time to see the doctor once again.



Both of them make their way to the door, Emily snuck between them. Hugging her mom, she sat down and store at the wall. Her mother noticed something was different about her, off about her. As her dad filled out the check-in form, Dr. Rallph called out her name. "Emily." Everyone walked into the room, sitting down in the uncomfortable chairs.

"What's going on with our daughter? She's acting like a robot." Dr. Rallph closed his eyes gently, pulling them back open.

"Your daughter is reacting different to the medication. I've never seen anything like it." Concerned parents both bite their tongues, "what can we do?"

"Your daughter is happy, something I haven't seen since she's arrived. Keep her on this medicine and have her take this one as well." He slides the bottle of liquid to her dad.

"Will it hurt her?" He nods.

"She'll have all emotions back, besides anger. It may be hard for a day or two, but she'll adapt just fine. Just a caution, all emotions will pour out of her body, so be prepared." Smiling at one another, they have her take the medicine in the office.
15 minutes later

Emily cries, bawls about Jak. She missed her cat and knew he was in surgery, "when can I get Jak? He's probably scared." The doctor watches closely, seeing one emotion after another.


All but anger appeared in Emily's eyes, that's what he wanted and all she needed. Sending her home, her dad goes to pick up the cat. Emily was fast asleep when he got home, he set Jak down and shut the door. Walking out into the office, he smiles. Reading the side affects as he grabbed the bottle made his smile disappear quickly, he wasn't sure about this anymore.

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