part9: Urges

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As he exits the room, Emily grabs a paint brush and the blue paint. She paints a picture of the kittens leash, she missed her cat. Jak was her best friend. Whenever her mom and dad were fighting, Jak was there to comfort her. The leash was drawn toward the bottom of the dresser, she painted her version of Jak, as a kitten.

She smiles at her artwork, she knew this was going to be okay. She would go to school in two weeks, make some friends around her age, and try to stay calm when she became angry. Picking up the red paint made her freeze, she didn't want to think about the bad things that happened. Storing the red paint in the closet, she continues decorating her room until she falls asleep on the floor. Too many things, so much imagination, not enough time.

Emily's dad comes in to check on her, he carries her to bed and tucks her in. He kisses her forehead and turns off the light on the way out. He smiled, he knew she'd be happier with him.

A few hours later it was still light outside, Emily crawls out of bed and into the kitchen. "Can I have a water?" He smiles, "you can have whatever you want." She gently smiles back at him before sitting down, sipping on her water, she sets it down. "Dad?"

"Yes?" He looks her in the eyes, listening to every word she's about to say. "Can we go get Jak? I miss him and can't sleep at night without him." Her eyes widen as she attempts puppy eyes, she wanted Jak.

"In the morning, Emily it's getting late." She looked out the window, it was still bright. "Go get some fresh air sweetie, we'll get him tomorrow, I promise." She knew he didn't want to see her mother tonight, not the first night she'd be alone, and she knew it wasn't to late either. Shrugging her shoulders, she accepted the outside air."okay." She throws her shoes over her feet and walks out the door.

A block away, Emily spots a neighborhood playground, she wanted to check it out. Swings, slides, monkey bars, and tether ball was calling her name, it's been forever since she played at the park. She sits on the swing and begins kicking off into the air, swaying back and forth as she twists herself. "That's not in the rules." Emily stops the swing, "rules?" She was frustrated. "Yes, there are rules." The young boy points at the sign by the entrance. Emily squints her eyes, she saw that was rule one, no twisting the swings.

"What's going to happen, are you going to banish me?" She was becoming agitated, she didn't want her first day of freedom ruined.
"I'll tell. You can't break rules." She smiles, only to hide the anger that was boiling out of her skull. "I gotta go." She tries to run, the boy grabs her arm. "Don't break the rules again, I will be watching." She pushes him backward and runs home.

"Emily, what happened?" She breathes heavily, tossing her pills down her throat. "Boys are dumb." She swallows her left over water from earlier. "I almost hurt him." He rubs her back, "thank you for taking your medicine. It really helps, doesn't it?"

She nodded, but she was lying.

Emily had an urge at the park, and she couldn't shake it off.

"Sure it does." She smiles, making it seem like they work instantly. Really, her urges were starting to eat her alive.

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