Part21: Dayna Shouldn't

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Picking herself back up, Emily stood tall to Dayna. "I told you, I don't want to hurt you. You leave me no choice." Dayna chuckled in Emily's face, "like I'm going to let someone like you touch me. Look at you, you worthless piece of trash." Emily shoves Dayna, she catches herself before the fall. "Let's take this outside."

Dayna and Emily walk outside and prepare for war. Grabbing on to Emily's hair, she pulls out her scissors. "You wouldn't." Emily struggles to get her hair free, but she was too late. A huge chunk flew in the wind.

Grasping the scissors, she pulled them out of Daynas hands and dangles them in front of her. "Want them, come get them." Emily watches as kids start noticing, she didn't want them seeing what she was gonna do to her. Emily skipped in circles, cutting the air with the scissors until the kids turned away to play some more. Dayna finally caught up and tackled Emily to the ground, the scissors jabbed Emily's stomach, causing it to bleed on contact.

Holding her bleeding belly, she stabs Dayna in the arm and pushes it deep into her skin. Not being able to pull it out of her arm, she whimpers for help. Emily smiled as she kicked her in the face and attempted to walk off. "Young lady, office." She huffs, and stomps into the office, sitting in the chair. "You know we have a no fighting or bullying rule, right?" Emily puts pressure on her belly with her shirt, "I didn't start it. She cut my hair."

"Emily, let me see your stomach." Emily stands up and pulls up her shirt, "it's nothing." Standing up, the principal grabs Emily's arm. "This is serious, it's bleeding everywhere. You should've let us know." Like she'd want everyone in her business, "I just want to finish my day and go home."

Sitting on the bed in the nurses station, Emily yawned. She knew she had been hurt pretty bad, but she didn't care. "Look at that, what happened?" Emily rolled her eyes, she was frustrated. "I was stabbed, nothing important." The nurse looked puzzled, "funny thing is, a little girl came in with scissors in her arm." Stitching up the wound, Emily growled from the pain.

Emily could hear Dayna in the back of the room, "that's the girl, huh?" The nurse nods, "you should get some rest. Let your stitches heal for an hour or two." Emily napped while she waited to be released, shortly after, the nurse wakes her up. "Your dad is here." Carefully hopping off the bed, she grabs her bag. "Thanks." She walks to the office, her dads arms crossed.
"What did you get yourself into Em?" He sits her down on her bed. "The girl in my class was picking on me, I didn't want to hurt her, I promise. I feel bad for what I did." Her dad grabs her pills, "take them. Next time, go get help, don't try to fix it on your own." Taking her pills, she nods. "I'm going to need a haircut dad, she snipped a big piece."

He walks out, leaving Emily to think about today. She couldn't get over what she did, she felt horrible. She cried herself to sleep, hoping to forget about the event that occurred.

After scheduling a hair appointment, he sits down feeling stressed. He thought the medicine would work throughout the day, he was wrong. Now he'd have to bring her medicine every day to school, he doesn't want this happening again.

He wondered, did the effects ware off?

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