Part17: Prepared?

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"What was that letter you gave mom?" Emily wondered toward her dad, she wanted to know. He cleared his throat and put his other hand on the steering wheel. "I wrote about you and I." A questionable look surfaced, "about what?" Her dad chuckled, "you sure ask a lot of questions. It's about how much we miss her." As he Parks the truck, Emily smiles, making her way inside.

"Em, it's time to take your medicine. I have it all ready for you." Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, he drops a capsule in. "It tastes funny, I don't like the drinkable kind." He pours the medicine in the cap."It's liquid medicine, that's so you don't have to take grown up medicine." She nods, taking all the liquid down her throat, making a funny face, and downing the water after. "Thanks sweetie. How about you go find a movie to watch before bed?"

Running into the living room, she scrolls through Nexflix until she spots a movie she's been dying to see. "Finding Dory?" Her dad shrugs his shoulders as he sits across from her, "okay." Halfway into the movie, Emily's already snoring. Turning off the t.v, he pulls a blanket over her, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight sweetie," he takes the chair, falling asleep near her.

Morning couldn't have came closer, it was time for school.

"Em. Time to get ready." She rubs her eyes, it was still dark outside. Making her way into the room, she dresses nicely and brushes her teeth. Pulling the ribbon into a bow, she bobby-pinned it to the top of her brunette head. "Dad, I'm scared." Grabbing her bag, and fixing the straps to the right size, he smiles. "You'll be great!" Warming up the truck, he walks back in for Emily.

"Do I have to go today?" Emily was nervous, afraid she'll not make any friends. "You should, are you that scared?" She nods her head, she could deal with it. As her dad sat in the parking lot, he heavily breathed. "Have an amazing day pumpkin, you'll do great! I promise."

She kisses her dads cheek, entering the school doors, leaving her dad to tear up.

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