Part30: Baby Blues

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After waking up, Emily thought about what to do. This problem growing in her moms tummy had to be stopped, she had to stop it. What was she gonna do though?

Just take the thing out herself?

Many solutions ran through her head, tormenting her until she came up with the best answer. While her mom was sleeping, she'd slip medicine in her water cup, causing the baby to remove itself.

"Emily?" Her dad lightly taps the door before entering, "what?" Sitting next to her, he holds out a small pill. "Here, I need you to take this." Emily looks over at the window, refusing to take the pill from his palm. "Take this, please." She rapidly nods her head, starting to throw a small fit.

"No. I'm not taking that stuff anymore, it's taking away my emotions!" She knew it was taking away what she needed most.. Her anger. "It just controls your anger, you have school tomorrow." He was starting to feel worried, she no longer cared about feeling angry.

"I will be fine dad. I can't take those anymore. I don't care what you say." She crosses her arms, taking a stand for what she thought was right. Smacking his hand on the bed, he heavily breathes, "fine. Emily, you're not going to school until you do."

"You can't control my life. I'm not going to kill anyone, I'm not that person anymore!" Even though, she knew she was. Pushing her dad out the door, tears began streaming down her cheeks. The door slams as she sits against it, she couldn't believe her dad would think that.

Out in the living room.

"I don't know what to do with her, it's like she changed over night." He whispers to Renae. "She pushed me out of her room, throwing a fit I've never even seen before." Her mom sits there in silence, she knew this far to well. "She's going through a phase, it happens every few months. It'll pass, she just needs to destress."

Emily stuck her ear to the door, she heard whispers but couldn't make it out. She knew it was about her.

"No, Renae, it's not a phase."

"What do you mean? Our daughter is fine!" She starts to get loud, making Emily leap from the ground and come out.

"Thanks mom and dad, you really make a girl feel special." She was angry.

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