Part33: Bye Bye

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After her parents went to bed, Emily got up and walked into the kitchen. As she came up to the drawer, she looked around to make sure nobody was awake and watching. Sliding it open, she reaches in for the sharpest knife; cutting her finger in the process. As she sucked the blood from her fingers, she grabbed a pan and smiled.

Shutting the knife drawer back into place, she heads toward the bedroom and stands outside the door. "Mommy?" She shoots up from her bed and looks toward Emily, "what are you doing awake, it's at least midnight." Emily whimpered her lip, "I had a very scary nightmare." Emily runs up and hugs her mom. "Will you tuck me in?" She smiles and nods her head, not realizing what was going to happen.

As she enters the room, she pulls the blankets. "Hop in bed Emily, let's get you tucked in." Turning her head for just a second, Emily hits her in the back of the head with a pan. Blood gushes as she hits the floor, staining the carpet.

"Wake up." Holding her head, she starts crying. "What are you doing? Emily, I need to go to the hospital." She didn't care that she needed help, she was ready to lose her for good. "Mom, where you're going you won't need one; now stay quiet." Pulling the knife from her overalls, she rubs it against her moms belly and starts chuckling. "Don't hurt this baby Emily." Holding the knife above her head, she forces down toward her stomach; piercing the top layer of her skin.

Her mom looks toward the door to see Jim put his finger to his lip, she stares at Emily so she didn't blow his cover. "Emily, look at me while you do it." Emily's eyes turn black, giving her a sinister look to her face. A single tear runs down, "I can't look at you while I kill you." She begins pleading for her life, letting her frustrations and sadness pour out of her.

"You don't have to do this Em, why are you?" She looks at the window, then back at her mom. "He sees everything,  I'm just doing what he says." Her dads jaw drops, he was finally realizing why she hurt all those people. Slowly moving toward her, he holds his breath. The knife strikes toward her belly again, this time it's stopped. He grabs her arms from behind and makes her drop the knife. "Enough Emily, he can't do anything anymore." Tears stream down her face as she tries running from his grip, "dad?" He hugs her tightly, "yes pumpkin?"

"He's watching and he's not happy."

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