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'Tap tap tap,' the noise was in the distance. Emily's dad peeled his eyes open and looked around, he didn't see anything.

'Tap tap tap,' he heard the window from the other room fly open, he stormed out of the room quickly. "Em." He knocks on her door, no answer. "EMILY?" His voice crackled as again.. She didn't answer. Pounding at the door, it finally comes off its hinges.

The curtains swayed as the window creaked open and shut, Emily was no where to be seen. Tearing through the closet, flipping over the bed, looking in the bathroom.. She had vanished. He dialed the number from yesterday,

"Yes Jim?"

"Where is my daughter?" He could barely speak. Tears stream down his face.

"She will die if you don't follow my instructions. Listen carefully." The eerie voice repeated two more times after that.

"What are your instructions?" He frantically looks at the phone.

"One: Do not tell anyone about this
If you tell anyone, your daughter dies
Two: I require money
I need the amount of 2,000 by tonight
Three: Always answer the phone
I may have new instruction, don't let me go to voice mail. She will be punished.
Four: I will instruct you to go anywhere I choose. "

"I will have your money, please... Don't hurt her."

The Nine Year Old KillerWhere stories live. Discover now