Part14: Missing

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'Knock knock knock,' a soft hand knocks at the door. Emily skips and answers, "may I help you?" An older man stands near the entrance, "can I speak to your daddy?" Turning around, she calls for her dad. "Yes. Who are you?" He clears his throat, talking with a gentle voice, he starts to speak. "My son went missing a few nights ago, he didn't return from a party. Have you seen him?" Liams face appears on the picture. Emily's eyes widen, "you didn't pick him up from friend circle yesterday?" He nods. "Liam doesn't like his condition, medications, he wouldn't go. You saw him?" She shakes her head rapidly, "he was at friend circle. He said his parents were coming to get him early, he's okay." The man wipes his face, relieved his son was okay. "If you see him, let him know I miss him. Here's my number if you see him again." He walks away sobbing, he wanted his son home.

Gently closing the door, Emily sits on the couch. "Why would he run away from his dad and mom? They seem like they really care." His dad sits next to her, "was Liam acting different in any way yesterday?" She recalled in her mind to friend circle, sitting next to Liam. "He was angry, and he was mad about how happy I was. He also looked sad, maybe depressed." Her dad shook his head, "probably not taking his meds. See what happens." It scared her, she didn't want to be like Liam. "Can we go look for him?" His dad declined the offer, "sweetie, he's most likely unstable. I don't want him hurting you."

She looks at the ground, she wanted to help. Emily knew the only way to help would be calling his dad if she saw him. "Em, you can go play if you want. Aren't you cooped up?" She shrugs her shoulders, she didn't want to risk anything. "I'll play with my nail Polish on the patio." He smiles, "okay." Grabbing her nail Polish basket, she takes off outside. 'Ring ring ring,' her dad grabs the phone, "hello?"

"This is Dr. Rallph, I was hoping to get Emily in for an appointment tomorrow." Raising an eyebrow, he questioned why. "May I ask why?" Dr. Rallph clears his throat, "I just need to reevaluate her, to make sure everything is okay." Her dad was holding his head, he was beginning to get a headache. "Tomorrow at two. Bring her mother as well, thank you." He hangs up, Emily's dad takes some tylenol and lays down on the chair.

Her dad was thinking and getting frustrated about it. Why does the doctor need to see her again? He thought it was actually working, yet again, she's not exactly 'Emily.' He knew she was not experiencing any other emotion like she should, she was pretending to feel sad. She only knew happy. What if something happened that made someone sad, she wouldn't know. He wanted her to feel all her emotions but her anger, maybe the doctor was realizing it to. Looks like a new medication? He was hoping she'd be the little girl he knew before he left.

He knew this appointment would be important, especially if Renae had to be there to. Emily runs inside, holding her fingers nails in front of her dads face. "Look, I did them all by myself!" Other than the pretty Polish lined across her nails, he notices her arm bleeding. "That's great Emily, but what happened to your arm?" She looks down at the gushing wound on her arm, "I .. I don't know." Bringing her to the kitchen counter, he sets her down. Grabbing a rag, peroxide, and a band aid, he patches her up. "I think that's enough time outside today," he smiles. He walks out, grabbing her nail Polish, he sees something in the distance. Jak was laying in the road, someone hit him.

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