Part25: Robbie's Being Fooled

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"Uncle Robbie, why did you take me? I'm of no use to you." Putting his hand up, about to slap Emily, he thinks about it. "You are of plenty use Em. I need money, a better car, a home.. Your father will give me those in exchange for you. It's fool proof." Emily glares at him, remembering more about why she didn't like him.

He tried to break up her parents, it worked. He stole from the family and they did nothing. He's doing it again, and Emily might be able to stop it. "Midnight is in an hour, let's sit at the park until then." Robbie grabs Emily's arm and drags her out of the car, she stretches herself far away from him.

Feeling angry meant one thing to Emily. No medication, no control. She sat fiddling her fingers on the bench, wondering when she'll explode. Once she starts to feel angry, she knew she'd let it out full speed toward him.

After the hour had passed, they were parked at the bar. Quietly humming to herself, Robbie smacks the leather seat. "Shut up." He turns music on, "one more peep, you sleep in the trunk."
Pulling up to the bar, Emily's dad peered his eyes around. The car in the distance had to be his. Holding the sack in his lap, he Parks a few yards away from the predator. 'Ring..' He answers after the first ring.


"You have my money?"

"Yes. Is that your car? The maroon one?"

"Yes. No more questions, just come out with the money slowly." He hangs up.
Robbie watches as Emily's dad comes closer to the car, he pulls a mask over his face. Finally making it, he inches toward the window, seeing Emily. He smiles, "baby girl." Emily points at him, mouthing who he was without Robbie seeing. Playing clueless, he knocks on the window, "2,000."

Sinister smiles creep on his face, Emily's dad pulls out his wallet. "If you give me my daughter now.. I'll throw in a thousand more." He shakes the bills in his hands, making sure Robbie seen. Pulling on the car handle, it pops open. "Em. Come with me, hurry." Tears run down her face as she latches onto her dads leg, shutting the door and handing Robbie the last of the money.

Speeding off down the road, Emily and her dad look at each other. They smile as he carries her to the car, "just so you know. It was all monopoly money." They snicker as he buckles up, "only the top is real.. It's only one dollar bills though."

Having enough of a night, Emily is tucked in her dads bed. Her dad watched over the house all night, just to make sure he didn't show up.

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