Part19:Love Letter

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Dear Jim,
I have been thinking a lot about us as well, I miss our late night conversations on the patio. We could talk under the stars for hours, not a negative thought in the world! I miss you, but can we start over?

My mistake costed our marriage once, but I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm willing to try again if you are, after all I love you. I'll call you, and we'll talk this out.

~Renae ♡

Smiles form on his face as he holds the letter close, he knew they'd be together for sure. Sitting Emily at the table, he begins going through the list of books she should have so far. "Science, math, and English?" She nods, "yes dad. They are in my locker, I don't have homework yet." He chuckles, remembering himself in school being as cocky as her.

Cutting off the crusts, he hands her a Turkey and cheese sandwich. "You should eat something before you get sick." Taking a big bite, she smiles knowing her dad cared so much. Chewing up the last of the sandwich, she chugs her water down. "Thank you, it was the best I've ever had." Skipping off into the next room, Renae calls.

"Hello Renae."

"Hello Jim."

"I miss you. I'm ready to start over."

"Jim, I'm ready too! I hope this time it will be different, I care for you."

"Gosh, me too Renae, it's been way too long!"

"Are we moving into your place, or mine?" He smiles through the phone, his heart beats fast.

"Mine. It's kid friendly, and Emily just started school."

"Your place it is. Are you gonna tell Emily? She'd be so happy!"

"Of course, I'll tell her now. Help you pack soon? I love you."

"Soon. I love you. Goodbye." She hangs up.

"Emily, great news!" Her dad pushes open the door, Emily already sleeping." He smiles, knowing she'd be happy when she woke up.

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