Part26: Cops Were Called

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Before the night ended, the cops were called. He came back in search for the rest of the money, but Emily's dad didn't have it on him. He tied Robbie up and let the cops know he kidnapped his daughter. Sentenced for five years behind bars made Emily feel safe, her dad was too.

Knowing it was Emily's birthday the next morning, it was a little harder setting up a theme after a night like that. When morning finally set in, her dad burst through the door with excitement. "Emily! Waky waky!" Tossing over to her other side, she groaned, "what dad? It's only like eight." Chuckling, he sat on the edge of the bed. "Well, isn't it someones birthday today?"

Not remembering herself, she gasps. "It is my birthday! I'm ten!" Running into the kitchen, she throws medicine down her throat and drinks her bottle of water. "I'm going to get ready for today, you should to Em." From the sound of that, Emily knew he had plans for her.. She just didn't know what they were.

Shutting her bedroom door, she searched the whole closet for something to wear. Grabbing a pink T-shirt and black overalls, she gets ready. "Dad, where are my hair ties?" He points down the hall, "living room junk drawer." She wondered why they were in there, but she didn't mind. At least they were still usable.

Tying her hair into two pig tails, she smiles. Her dad comes out looking all spiffy, black suit, red tie, and a rose in his hand. "For you my lady." He bends down and hands Emily the rose, "thanks dad." She sets the rose on her bed. "Let's get out of here." Escorting Emily to the truck, he shuts the door and drives off.


This is Jim, can I help you?

Jim, this is Renae.

I know! (Clears his throat.) Did you hear about that place in town?

Emily's eyes looked confused, where was she going? Who was on the phone?

Oh, yes I have.

Can we meet up in a half an hour? I have some 'business' to talk about.

See you soon.
He hangs up.

"Who was that dad?" His face reddened, "a co-worker from my old job." Telling a lie to her face was never easy, she's always been good about knowing if he was lying. Today, she played along. "About what?" She continued the next question, ready for another white lie. "He wanted me to go for a drink later, but we have plans today."

Pulling up the drive way, Emily jumps out. "Mommy! I missed you so much!" Hugging her mother, she smiles brightly. "Hello Renae." Smiling, she hugs her daughter tightly. "Ready for a great day Emily?" She nods, of course she was.

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