Part7: Help

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As she enters the building, the other kids stare at her. She looked like she was the youngest in the room, the rest looked to be twelve and up. That made her question this place, building, and the kids sitting in the chairs attached to desks. Walking up to the counter, the woman behind it looks at Emily and bluntly asks, "what is your name?"

"Emily." She looks down at her feet, the woman made her nervous. Typing on the computer behind the counter, she pauses. "How old are you? Can I have your last name?" Her mother has Emily sit down, she finishes speaking to the woman and sits to write on the paperwork. "Why are you here?" A young girl a little older than Emily questions. "I need help. Why are you here?" She smiles devishly, "I hear voices."

Emily's eyes widened, she didn't want to see her smile like that. It scared her. "Is that why you need help?" Anger rose into the girls cheeks, she yelled. "I don't need help. I'm okay, you can't just say that. My mom says this is a way to keep the voices away." Emily runs to her mom and hugs her knees, "can we go home? It scares me."

"Please give this a chance. You'll be meeting a special person soon." She gives a small smile, knowing this might help her little girl. Emily nods, it's not like she can back out anyways. An hour passes by, a child walks in, a child walks out, Emily watches them as they exit. They seemed different, like a whole new person entered them. Emily wanted to become new.

Finally, a man opens the office door leading to other rooms, "Emily." She grips onto her mothers hand and wouldn't let go. "This way." She follows her mom down a long hallway and into a little room. Three chairs, followed by paper and crayons lay on the desk. "Have a seat, mom and Emily." Still clinging on her mother, she quickly takes her seat. "I'm Dr. Rallph, nice to meet you."

Looking over the paperwork, he nods his head, "okay. Hmm." He reads the whole paper to the end. "So, Emily, would you explain to me what happened? Have you told anyone?" Emily looks over at her mother, sadness fills her eyes, "no. I'm scared my mom won't love me anymore." One single tear hits the desk, she sits in silence. "Mom, do you want to step out? I need to talk to Emily alone."

Her mom knew that would be best, "of course. Emily I'll see you soon." She steps out and closes the door. "Why do you think your mom won't love you?"

"I did something bad. I can't take it back."

"Will you tell me?" She nods her head, she didn't want to speak of the horrific events. "Will you draw pictures of it for me? Or write it down?" He pushes the crayons and pieces of paper toward her, she picks up a red crayon. She drew a knife with blood all over it, and she also drew the kittens leash. Once she finished her drawings, she slowly pushes them back to the doctor. "You hurt these people, did you kill them?" She nods slowly, looking down, she didn't want the doctor looking at her.

"Okay, Emily I need you to look at me." She looks into his eyes, "I didn't get what I was doing, I thought they were having fun." He sends a calming smile toward her, "I see. You don't have your dad in your life, do you?" She nods, she misses him. "I would like to be with my dad." Typing on his laptop, he nods a few times and picks up the phone.

"Hey, Dr. Rittle, come to my office." He hangs up and folds his hands. Shortly after, a soft knock at the door. A young woman, about Emily's moms age walks in and sits next to Emily.
"Emily, I'm Dr. Rittle. My job is to make sure you get what you need." Emily looked confused, she was to nervous to ask her question. "Go ahead sweetie, ask away."

"What do I need? I feel like I'm in trouble, I am, aren't I?" The doctor touches her shoulder, "No. Of course not, I'm trying to understand. You want to go live with your dad?" Trying not to cry, she nods, "I'm ready to go with my dad. I know he'll fix my problems. My mom pushed him away, I want him in my life!" She starts to cry, tears stream down her cheeks. "My dad misses me, I'm not even allowed to call him, but I do. He wants me home!" She begins breathing heavily from crying so hard, she wanted them to pay attention.

"How about we talk to your dad, and your mom?" She nods, then lays her head on the desk.
A phone call and a crying mother later, it was settled, she was going to live with her dad.
"Emily, I need you to take this medicine when you feel like you are angry. It will stop you from hurting people." She smiles and nods at the doctor.

"I will. I promise."

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