Part1: Sammy

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Pulling out the backpack from her playhouse, she meets Sammy. Sammy will be her first victim, and not her last. She waves at her, smiling with a sinister smile. Sammy didn't notice what Emily's intentions were, she thought they'd be best friends. "Sammy, what do you want to do?" Emily questions her bluntly.

"Well, we could paint our nails. Or we could play tag?" Emily nods her head, she needed something to play that would hide what she was going to do. An idea pops in her head, "how about we play hide and seek in the woods?" Her heart was racing, she was ready.

"My mom doesn't like me going into the woods. She says it's dangerous." Emily grabs her arm, "it's not dangerous. She just doesn't want you to have fun." Sammy crosses her arms, she wasn't to happy with what Emily said.

"Emily, I don't really want to. I only will if... You be it first?" Her heart stops beating, her palms start sweating. Her plan was going good so far, she agreed to being it.

"One, two, three.." Sammy runs into the woods, Emily peeking to see where she went. "Here I come." As she yelled ten, she took off down the trail and into the woods. Sammy was crouched in between a set of bushes, trying to control her breathing and stay quiet. Emily chuckled to herself when she saw Sammy, "I see you."

Sammy stands up and puts her hands in the air. "Okay, okay I'm it." Emily quiets Sammy down. "Actually, we're done playing that game. Lay down and close your eyes." Emily pulls a pair of gloves over her hands. Fear was in her eyes, she didn't understand what was going on. "Emily, I don't want to play anymore. I'm going home, my mom must be worried."

"Sammy, do as I say." Emily pushes Sammy to the ground, taking her backpack from her shoulder.

Tears start to form in Sammy's eyes, she was scared. "Please don't be mean. I wanted a friend, not a bully." Emily laughs in Sammy's face, "I'm not a friend or a bully. I'm your worst nightmare." She unzips her backpack zipper, revealing a sharp blade to Sammy's face. She gently moves the knife across her neck, "if you say a word, I'll hurt you worse than I'm going to."

Sammy pushes Emily, "mommy." She trips and falls to her face. Emily slices Sammy's leg, "I told you. You stay quiet." Whines and whimpers surround Emily's brain, she wanted more. She stabs Sammy in the chest, pushing the blade as deep as she could and pulls out quickly. Sammy touches her wound and cries out, "help." Emily stabs her again and again, continuously for minutes. An hour later, she finally stops. Blood covers her body as she drags Sammy to the creek and rolls her in.

She smiles at the body, heart racing at the thought of what she just did.

She wanted more.

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