Part12: Emotionless

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As she sat at the desk, the doctor continued to stare in silence. Not wanting to talk, she put her head down, plugging her ears. He cleared his throat loud enough for her to hear, she pretended she didn't. "Emily." Rolling her eyes, she tilts her head to the side.

"You don't have to talk to me, but just listen." He inhales deeply, "your medicine isn't working anymore. So, we're going to give you something else." Her dad shakes her shoulder, "listen to your doctor." She huffs at her dad and looks up at Dr. Rallph. "I want you to feel better. You will not if you continue hurting people." Her dad nods his head, "don't you want to go to school? Make friends?" Emily didn't care, what was the point if she didn't want to feel  better anymore? "I don't want to be better. I'm happy the way I am." The doctor raises an eyebrow, "you don't feel bad anymore? For hurting those kids?" Typing something on the computer, she frowns.

"Of course I feel bad, I don't want to always hurt people. They deserve it, all of them."

"All of them? Even the little girl who did nothing to you?" She shook her head, "not her. I wish she was still alive, she happened to walk out when I was at my worst." She glanced out the window, avoiding eye contact for a moment.

"Hmm, so you still feel bad? Just not to the ones that were mean to you?" Shaking her head, he knew what to do. He gave her dad a piece of paper with her prescriptions and a number. "Emily, you seemed to like talking to Liam earlier. Is he your friend?" She looks up at the doctor and smiles, "he's nice. Is there any way we could be friends?" Writing down on another piece of paper, he hands it to her. "Come to the office Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have friend circles." She thanked the doctor as he walked them out to the truck, she was excited about talking to Liam again.

Almost home, her dad stops at the gas station. "I'll be right out." He runs in to buy a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of pop for Emily, he hops in. "Here." He sets the bottle near her and stays quiet the rest of the way, she shuts herself in her room. "Don't you want lunch Emily?" He whispers through the crack of the door. She let her stomach growl a couple of times before deciding to come out, "peanut butter and jelly?" He nods, "sure." While fixing her sandwich, and without her seeing, he pulls out her prescription. Dropping a pill in her grape juice, it dissolved quickly. No taste and no odor meant Emily wouldn't notice, her dad was happy for that.

"Here you go sweetheart." She was thrilled to bite into crunchy peanut butter and sweet grape jelly sandwich, chugging her juice afterward. After lunch, she got really tired and laid in bed, falling asleep shortly after. Her dad knew that was the medicine, so that should mean it worked.

Her dreams and nightmares combined. They swirled in her mind as she slept, she woke up breathing heavily, sweat trickled down her forehead. She jumped out of her blankets and to her dads arms. Her dreams never scared her like that before, maybe it was her feeling bad again, she thought.
She glanced around the room, it looked funny. The paintings mashed together, her cat was bald looking, the mirror cracked when she slightly store, she wasn't sure about this. Heat filled her body as she became dizzy, trying to move, she fell to her knees.

She thought she was awake that whole time, but she just woke up.
To the sound of her cat purring.
Not an angry muscle jumped at her, none of her muscles wanted to work. She felt paralyzed. She felt emotionless.

The Nine Year Old Killerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें