Part11: Failed

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After the boy ran off down the block, Emily swung a little longer. Lunch was calling her name, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be exact. As she hopped off the swing, she saw a ring laying in the dirt. Wiping off the ring on her pants, she pockets it. Skipping down the block and into her home, her jaw drops, she smiles, hoping she could just go to her room.

The young boy sits on the couch with her father, her dad looked disappointed. "How could you do this to him?" He pulls out her medication, "have you been taking these at all when I'm not around?" She nods. She starts to think up a nasty lie, and hope it works.

"Dad, he was hurting me. He pushed me on the playground, I was just getting away. He's not even hurt." He points at the boys leg, "Emily you broke his leg and two of his ribs. He told me what happened. Paul is our playground watch, he wants to make sure all children are safe." He grabs Emily's arm, "apologize, now." Giving him a stink eye, she mumbles an apology.

"I'm taking Paul home, then we're going on a car ride. Get a jacket and sit down until I come back." Her dad walks Paul to the car and takes off down the block. Emily was sure she wouldn't get caught, the blood boiled through her body as she thought about it. Grabbing her light pink jacket, she throws herself on the couch, crossing her arms. She wished she would've killed him at that moment.

She pulls out the ring from her pocket and watches it shine. It was a little blue ring with a tiny butterfly laying on it, it made her grin. She remembers when her parents were still together, a butterfly statue stood right outside the house. They used to say that butterfly symbolized their love, she wiped a single tear from her eye. She missed her parents together, but she knew it was for the best. "Let's go Emily," he swings the screen door open, she walks out and into the truck.

He pulls up to the grey building she hated, she knew where she was going now. As she entered the building, the lady at the desk shook her head. "Welcome back, fill out this check-in sheet and sit down. Dr. Rallf will be right with you." She sits far away from her dad, she was mad at him.

"Why do you look so mad?" An older boy stared into her eyes. Emily closed her eyes and huffed, she didn't want to talk to another boy. "It's rude not to answer." She popped her eyes open and balled her fists, "I am fine. Please mind your own business." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "For a little girl, you sure are mean." He looked to be at least thirteen, she thought he was in here for bad reasons to. Maybe they could be friends. "Why are you in here?" She asks bluntly. "schizophrenic. I see things nobody else does." Emily thought it was cool, being able to see things, she wish she could. "I hurt people, it was amazing." He smiled at her, "maybe you're not so bad."

"Liam." The boy stands up, "time to see my doctor. Talk to you later." He walks behind the nurse, and dissapears down the hallway. Emily swayed her legs back and forth, she was starting to feel bored. Her dad looked over at her, he smiled, she didn't.


She did not want to go.

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