Oh no. (Ella's POV)

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I woke up in my room. Raelyn wasnt here. I sat up, feeling dizzy. Icewing was at my side instantly.
"Hey girl."  I whispered.
She tried to lay me back down.
"No. I'm getting up." I said.

I stood up but proceed to fall over. She caught me.
"Thanks girl." I whispered.

She mocked me by bowing. I waved my hand and ice appeared.
"What the?!?" I asked.

I looked at Icewing, panicking. Her eyes were wide. I looked at the window and flicked my hand at it ice covered it.
"No....no!" I said panicking.

I remembered a story story mom told us when we were younger.
"Ok everyone, settle down. Mommy's going to tell a story."  Dad said.

We sat down on the rug in front of her. She eased herself into a chair while holding baby Zoè.
"Once upon a time, there was a princess. Her name was Elise. She had a younger sister named Ashley. It was a happy kingdom...until the queen and king discovered that Elise had ice powers. The anicent ones deemed her dangerous. A monster. In fear, the king and queen shut Elise off from the world. They had Ashleys memories of all magic removed. As Elise got older, her powers became stronger. She became more powerful. She feared her powers, she feared herself. Her parents died on a ship wreak, leaving her and her sister Ashley as orphans. The night of her corrination, her sister began to pesture her about leaving her alone for years. She accidentally reveled her powers, she fled the king, her sister went after her. But, Elise accidentally​ froze her heart, killing her instantly, the royal visiear, upon witnessing this, had Elise executed. And law that still applies today, if anyone with any kinds of powers, kills or hurts an innocent, even but accident​, shall be executed." Mom finished.

"Why did you tell us a scary story?" Tailor asked sadly.
"What day is it?" Mom asked.
"Oh. Monday." He said.

I looked at my hands worriedly. I opened my trunk and pulled on my gloves and put on my cape.  I looked at Icewing who nuzzled me.
"I am never ever taking these off." I whispered.

Then we went outside.

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