Flashback day Part one (Hiccup and Astird's POV)

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(Hiccup's POV)
It's been a few days since our last flashback. But as good as it felt to not fall over, I was bothered by it. What if that was all the gods would allow us to remember?

I was sitting in the clubhouse with Astrid. We were trying to remember anything we could. Like the girls face, when the last time we saw Viggo was. Easy stuff. Suddenly, the doors burst open. The gang, Mala, Throk, Dauger, and my dad walked in with a box of stuff.

"Um...What's all this?" Astrid asked.
"Stuff from the last seven years to last week. Today, we help you guys remember stuff." Heather said.

I blinked as Fishlegs pulled in along table from outside and set in the far corner of the room. He started to set up a medical counter. Close by, the twins set up portable beds. Two. I looked behind us, a bunch of food was set out.

"Um... Is this necessary?" I asked.
"We are going to be at out best trying to recollect all of your memories today. So yes. It is Hiccup Haddock." Mala said.

Everyone pulled up some chairs as Stormfly and Toothless went to sit behind us.

"Ok...Let's start." Astrid sighed.

Heather smiled and brought us a small axe. It was a mini version of Astrid's.

"What.... This...." Astrid said standing suddenly.

Her hands flew to her head. I bent to pick up the axe, but my hand hovered above it. A head ache came out of nowhere.

I groaned and stood up. Astrid started to fall over, so I stabled her. I felt my eyes go wide, and we both fell backwards.

We were out in the woods with the little girl. Her face was still a blur. Sue threw the axe, it landed two inches away from the target.

"UGH! I'm never going to get it! I'll never be as good as you .....!" She whined plopping down onto the grass crying.

Astrid retrieved the small axe and walked up to her with me.

"... you'll get it! You just need to practice." She said hugging her.

"Yeah ..., ..... used to be horrible at this. But she got better by practicing, she practices all the time now." I said brushing some hair out of her eyes.

"Really?" The girl asked.

We nodded. She stood and Astrid went to stand behind her.

"Ok, now, bring your arms behind your head, yes, good job, aim for the center. No, to far left. Yes! Like that! Get ready, now throw!" Astrid instructed.

The little girl let the axe go, it hit the target, dead center, we stared in amazement. The target and the stand suddenly collapsed and broke. Our mouths fell open.

"Sorry!" The little girl said quickly​.

"That...Was... Amazing!" We siad excitedly.

"Oh, ...! I knew you could do it!" Astrid said kissing her cheek.
I retrieved the axe and gave it to her.

"That was amazing .......!" I said.

"Thanks .....!"  She said.

Astrid went behind her agian.
"Ok, let's practice for a little while. Bring your arms back. Yes! Good job!" She said.

I went to stand behind her. She looked at me over the corner of her eyes

"Not bad M'lady. Not bad." I said.

The image started to fade, but bit fast enough, I saw me, Hiccup Haddock the III, kiss Astrid  Fearless Hofferson on the cheek.

I woke up on one of the beds, Astrid opened her eyes right after me.  We both sat up. We were breathing heavily, everyone stared at us.

"Are you ok?" Throk asked.

We nodded.
"Are you strong enough for another?" Mala asked.

We nodded.
"Ok. Here's the next." Gobber said.

Hello! For the next chapter, I will only tell you who gave them what, and the flashback. Enjoy!

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