Abela and Maaria

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"Next up is Abela Haddock!" Dad announced.

I took a deep breath and walked into the arena. Mom and the others weren't showing any emotion because it wouldn't be fair to the next A team. Ella, Marria and the others hugged me , wishing me good luck.

I entered the arena and approched Gothi. I knelt and she took my wrist and turned to the 'untrainable' side of the area as me and the others who haven't gone yet called it.

I gulped. Dad arched a brow skeptically as Gobber walked to the lever.
"Abela Haddock, let's see if you can be the second to train and the first ride, a Typhommerang!" Gobber said as Gothi ran to the door.
"TYPHOMMERANG?!?" I asked loudly.

He pulled the lever and a Typhommerang flew out the door. It blasted the ground, making a firey version of the Typhommerang symbol. I was in the middle. It landed at the end. I remembered​ what dad said about training Toothless. I put my foot on a line and it spread her wings and roared. I moved my foot and it was fine. After doing this three times, I stepped over he line and she was fine. I walked over lines randomly​ and felt my back pressing against the Typhommerang. I leaned back and looked up to it, taking a step back. It eyed me skeptically. I held out my hand and lowered my head. After a second of our scilence, I felt the her press her head into my hand. I sighed and hugged her.
"You have seen it People! The first Viking to ride a Typhommerang,will be Abeal Haddock!" Gobber said as everyone cheered.
"Your name is going to be Twister." I siad as we entered the room.

"Next up, Maaria Haddock!" Dad announced​

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"Next up, Maaria Haddock!" Dad announced​.

I entered the arena and approched Gothi. I knelt and she took my wrist. She pointed to Abela's side of the area.

Oh Thor. I thought.
Dad stood up.
"Gothi...no." he said.

She gave him a looked, he scowled and sat down. He respected the old lady, he never doubted her instincts. But this bothered him.
"Well...let's see if you can train this... Maaria, here is your potential dragon, the Deathsong." Gobber announced pulling a lever.

The Deathsong​ flew out and flew around. It sang it's song and People had to hold back their dragons, even though there was a barrier.
"Enough!" I snapped

She eyes me and shot amber at me. I ducked and rolled, grabbing the sheild Daichi used. I deflected the amber. I stood as she sang. I mimiced her song. We do this for a few minutes and she swirled around me, hugging me. I laughed. Everyone cheered.
"Maaria Haddock! The first ever to train a Deathsong!" Gobber announced as we left the arena.
"Your name is Amber." I said.

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