What are you talking about? ) Astrid and Hiccup's POV)

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(Astrid's POV)

I woke up in Hiccup's hut, laying next to him in his bed. I gasped loudly and backed up, falling out of the bed. Hiccup shot up , fully awake. Stormfly and Toothless woke up.

"Astrid?!? What are you doing in here? Why's Stormfly here to?" He asked 

"I have no idea." I siad.

"Fair enough. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Um... I kinda woke up here... In your bed... Next to you." I said slowly blushing.

He blushed.

"Uh... T-thats not weird..." He said.

The door opened and Heather, Ruff, Stoick, Mala, Throk, and Dauger ran in.

"DAUGER?!?" We asked.

"Um, hi?" He he asked.

"How are you alive?" We asked standing.

Everyone went quiet.

"Mala? Throk? Dad? What are you doing here?" Hiccup asked.

"And why did I wake up in Hiccup's bed?" I asked crossing my arms.

"How much do you remember?" Mala asked us.

"Going to my hut with Heather after we played truth or dare after dinner last night. Why?" I asked.

"Hiccup?" My dad asked 

"Same. Except to my hut. With Toothless." He said.

"And we remember you DIEING two months ago!" We said in unison.

"A-Astrid... You just described something from seven years ago." Heather said.

"What?" We both asked.

"Tell me if you guys know this name." Dauger said.

"Ok." We said.

"Zoè." Everyone said.

(Hiccup's POV)

"Who?" We asked.

Everyone gasped .

"Your daughter?" Throk said. We both tripped over our dragons tails.

"WHAT?!?" We screamed.

"When did that happen?!?" I asked.

"You don't remember?!?" Heather asked holding back tears.

"I'm... I'm sorry Heather. I don't. We don't remember." Astrid said.

"You guys were dating!" She cried.

"When were?!?" We asked blushing.

"GOTHI!" My dad yelled.

The old lady came running in with her Gronkle.

Good thing my hut was big. Because the game, a baby small kid natter,  half of Mala's tribe, the A team, and the Outcast came running with her.

"Where did all these people come from?" We asked getting alarmed.

Gothi sat us down on my bed. Gobber followed.

"Ok. She's going to ask you some questions." He said.

We nodded. Everyone took a seat.

"What is the last thing you remember?" He asked.

"Going to my hut with Heather after we played truth or dare after dinner last night." Astrid said.

"Same. Except for going to my hut with Toothless." I said.

"That was seven years ago!" Snoutlout said worriedly.

"Astrid. When was the last time you were captured by Viggo?" Gobber asked.

"Um, five weeks ago with the rest of the gang." She said.

"Seven years ago..." Fishlegs said worriedly.

He asked a bunch more questions. Every awnser was no. Everyone for more worried. 

"Last question. Do you know this flame and wagon? Flame and wagon?" Gobbed asked 

Gothi hit him on the head with her staff.

"Name and dragon!" He corrected.

Heater brought the little blue and purple natter.

"No. We don't know this dragon."  We said.

More gasps.

"Ok.... Now for the name. Zoè." He said.

"Who is this Zoè person?" We asked.

"Your daughter." Everyone said.

"We never slept together!" We protested.

"Adoptive! You were out on a natter rescue mission at Deathwards island. Johan had told you about a injured baby natter stranded on the beach. He said that he came to you because natters are you specialty​. You went to the island.  You found Scarlett, Zoè's natter. You decided to scope out the island and then you found a ship wreak. You ran to it to see if anyone was alive. You found Zoè in her crib untouched and unharmed. Her parents... Didn't make it. So you decided that you would be her mother. And after a while, you asked Hiccup to be her father because out of all the boys, you thought he was the best influence." Heather cried.

"Heather. We don't remember. Mabye if we saw her-" we started.

"You can't!" Everyone said.

"Why?" We asked.

"She's dead!" Heater cried.

We blinked. And stood with our dragons.

"Look, we have no idea what you guys are talking about. And we are really sorry. But we don't know this natter, 'Scarlett' or this girl named Zoè. We're​ sorry for your lose everyone. But we have no idea who she is." We siad leaving my hut.

I shut the door and we went down to the beach.

"I feel bad. We don't remember this Zoè person that is supposedly​ our adoptive daughter." Astrid said sadly.

"Astrid, look at me. I feel bad to. But it's not our fault. It's not your fault. We probably lost our memories. But we'll get them back somehow. I promise you." I said grabbing her shoulders.

She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. We pulled away and looked at each other. For some weird reason, I felt like kissing her. Like it was supposed to happen. I mean, yeah I've always had a crush on her. But, she doesn't return my feeling. Possibly.

We both took a step back. 

"We should probably get something to eat..." She suggested.

"Yeah. This way M'lady." I said gesturing to the bridge.

She giggled.

"M'lady huh? That's new. I think..." She said.

"I feel like I've called you that before." I said.

" Me to..." She replied.

We walked to the clubhouse in our scilence. Not like the other times. This time it was awkward

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