Chloe (Hiccup and Astird's POV)

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(Hiccup's POV)
I pulled Astrid into the stable where Heather was waiting. I felt her body tense. She pulled her hand away and I turned to face her. She was scowling with her hands crossed.

"Astrid. Just, listen." I said.
She didn't say anything.
"Ok. So it's right around the time when Heather and I hugged. So, go stand outside, we'll hug, then you come in." I said.

She turned and went outside​.
"I really really hope this works." Heather said walking up to me.
"Me to." I said hugging her. She hugged back.

(Astrid's POV)
I saw their shadows and looked around the corner. They were hugging. I didn't say anything.

Of course Hiccup was going to be right! Why wouldn't he be?

They pulled away and looked at me.
"So?" Heather asked.
"You were right. And I'm sorry." I said.
"Finally!" Hiccup said.

I scowled.
"You could at least apologize. I was trying to talk to you in your hut earlyer. But you cut me off." I said.

I turned and walked out the door.
"Did you really cut her off?" I heard Heather ask.
"Really?!? She was willing to talk!"
"But I was tr-"
"That's not how relationships of any kind work Hiccup. You should have listened to her."
"I know...I know..."

I walked away. I was almost to the stairs to head to the clubhouse until a girl on a Nightmare landed. She jumped off and saw me.

"Astrid?!?" She asked.

I blinked on surprise.
"C-chloe?" I asked.

We ran to each other and hugged.
"I've missed you!"
"Me to!"

We pulled away. We looked at each other, trying to get used to each others new looks.

Her blond hair has gotten curlyer and she cut it. It rested on her shoulders and her eyes were a electric blue. Her light skin has gone ran over the years.

"I haven't seen you since you left Berk!" She said.

"I know! It's been forever!" I said leading her to the hut I shared with Hiccup.

Stormfly and Toothless saw me and ran up to me. They seemed to recognize Chloe and happily greeted her.

We laughed and made our way to the clubhouse. Toothless ran inside and I saw him nudging and licking Hiccup. He laughed.
"Hey Bud! I was just about to go get you!" He said scratching Toothless's​head.
"Hiccup?!?" Chloe asked in disbelief.
"You've...Grown up...Alot." she said.

I held my breath, trying not to laugh.

"So have you."
"How've you been?" She asked getting closer to him.

"Um...Good? How've you been?" He asked.
"Great now that I've finally gotten to see you."

I clenched my teeth.
"Uh.. o-ok... But me and Astrid a-"
"So, you want to hang tonight?" She asked.

I blinked. Hiccup blushed and I hopped on Stormfly after he said:


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