I promise Part one(Hiccup's POV)

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I had just come back from Berk. I flew there right after I heard Astrid talking to Heather. After I had talked to her mom and the council about it, I finally got everyone on board with the idea... After two weeks.

I landed at the edge.
"Hiccup!" I heard everyone say.

Chloe ran up to me abd hugged me. I patted her back.
"We were so worried!" She said.

I noticed the glared Ruff, and Heather were giving her.

"Wheres Astrid?" I asked.

The boys looked away awkwardly but Heather and Ruff looked very mad.
"Oh, she's overreacting to our little make out session from the other day." Chloe said.

I got mad.
I'll show you over reacting. I thought.

"Over reacting?!?" Heather and Ruff asked suddenly.
"You... You... Ugh!" Ruff said madly.
"She's overreacting?!? You kissed her boyfriend of not one, not two, but eleven years! Fifteen to twenty six! That's forever! You just threw all of that away!" Heather raged.

"She's right Chloe. It's your fault." I said.

She blinked.
"Um... Excuse me?" She asked.
"Heather is right. This is your fault. You kissed me when I didn't  want you to. When I've told you ten times that I just saw you as a friend." I said.

Heather broke out into a huge smile.
"Are you? Is this a joke?!?" Chloe asked.
"No. It's not. For the sake of this team, I think it's best you leave." I said.
"Fine!" Chloe said hopping on her Nightmare, flying away.
Everyone cheered when she was out of ear shot.

"Hey Heather... Can I talk to you?" I asked.
"Sure." She said.
Part one, check, part two, in motion. I thought.

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