Chapter 40: How do you say Goodbye?

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Nobody's POV
After Brian and Mia's little session, they made their way outside. Dom changed from his garage shirt to a clean white long sleeved one and leaned on his car, waiting to see his baby sister.
"I need you to take care of him, okay? Even if his stubbornness is at its highest, just promise me you will." Mia said and he looked and Brian's hands in her own. Brian then lifted his hand and moved Mia's hair behind her ear, and as she looked up he said, "I will do everything in my power to take care of him."
Brian didn't dare bring up a goodbye because he didn't want this to be the last moment he had with the woman that he loves. Mia nodded and turned, walking down the driveway to her brother.
Dom turned, hearing Mia's footsteps.
"How do you say goodbye to your only brother?" Mia asked with a small smile as she looked at Dom, taking in whatever she could, because even she knew that this could be the last time she sees the both of them.
"You don't." Dom said. All it took him was to see the look on his little sisters face, fear hidden behind her smile, to bring her close.
Dom pulled Mia into a loving hug, both of her arms around his waist, and one of his hands cradling her head and the other on her back.
No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he was scared that he wouldn't make it back home.
Brian and Dom then got into their cars and drove off into the night, leaving Mia, watching in the distance.

Brian's POV
After a few hours, we reached the U.S. Mexico Border. Dom and I drove up the hill and leaned on the front of our cars, waiting for Gisele. I then threw rocks to pass the time, and Dom had his cross wrapped around his fist. I still hate myself for what I put Letty  through. Just then, a white car parks in front of us and Gisele comes out with a smile. Dom walks up to her and smirks, "I thought you weren't gonna show up."
"You saved my life. I'm willing to return the favor." Gisele says softly. She then pulls something out from her pocket as she explains, "This will help get you to Braga."
It was a folded up piece of paper from what I can tell.
Gisele then says, "Dom. Going in there is suicide."
I sigh and start to play with my hands. This whole thing is just one big death wish. I look up as Dom looks away from Gisele and then looks back at her and states, "I don't have a choice."
"You must have loved her very much." Gisele says while nodding. She then leans in and kisses Dom's cheek and then gets in her car and drives off.
"So this is where my jurisdiction ends." I say with my arms folded. Dom then lifts up that piece of paper and says, "And this is where mine begins.

Nobody's POV
Braga and his men arrive at a church in Mexico. One of his workers hands him a black duffle bag, and the rest of them stand guard outside of the church, watching out specifically for Brian and Dom.
"Bienvenido en la casa de Dios, Sr. Braga. (Welcome to the house of the Lord, Mr. Braga.)" the priest states nervously.
"No te preo cupres padre, todo aselí bien. (Don't worry Father, everything's going to be fine.)" Braga says with a smile as he looks around.
"Maravíoso. (Marvelous.) Para ayudarnos a entrar en el cielo. (To help us get into heaven.)" Braga states as he gives the Father the money.
He exchanges a thanks and then blesses Braga and leaves.
All while Braga starts to recite his prayers, Dom and Brian sneak in, pointing their guns at Braga head. Dom gets Braga attention as he states, "You ain't forgiven."
Braga looks at Brian and Dom and asks, "You boys want to arrest me? ¿Aqui mismo? (In here?)"
"No, we're beyond that." Brian says, shaking his head.
Dom smiles and explains, "You can't buy your way out of this one."
"Hermano (Brother), you and me... You and me, we're not so differnet. You're no hero." Braga dares. Dom then cocks back his shot gun, finger on the trigger, face tight, and ready to kill.
"You're right. And that's why you're going back across the border." Brian then took this as his chance to handcuff Braga. Dom continues, "But Fenix is mine."
"You got it." Brian grins as he hoists Braga up.
Braga's men wait outside, but one of them knows something isn't right as he makes his way in the church, cocking back his hand gun. When he doesn't see Braga anyway, but a door opened on the side of the church, he yells, "Shit!" and runs outside.
Brian, in front, has Braga handcuffed in the passenger seat. "You'll make it a couple of miles out, if you're lucky." Braga states calmly. Brian doesn't let what Braga said get to him. He's just focused on getting home with his brother.
Fenix was at a cock-fighting match when someone came up to him and told him what's going on. With rage, he raced out to hunt Dom and Brian down.
Chuckling, Braga asked, "You know where you're going? You wanna borrow my GPS?"
Brian smiled and asked, "Where are your boys at? Huh? Are they gonna show up or what?"
Brian swerves as gunshots are fired. "Careful what you ask for." Braga smirks.
Dom tries his best to take out as many drivers as he can, but they keep shooting at Brian.
"Just stop. Just stop the car." Braga says, and then screams as one of his protectors shoots out Brian's back window.
Fenix then catches up and says on his radio in Spanish, "Don't shoot the boss, idiots!"
Brian then starts to panic, seeing so many cars following, but Dom gets on the radio and says, "Right behind you." Brian didn't have enough time to react, so Dom helped his friend out by crashing into the other dudes truck, causing the guy to spin off the road.
"Dom, head to the tunnel. Let's use the tunnel." Brian yells into the walkie.
As they headed towards the tunnel, some of the drivers caught up and bumped Brian on either side. Dom then elbowed his window out and shot their tires, causing a multi-collision.
"Get out of here, Brian." Dom said. He didn't want to be the reason that Mia never gets to see him again.
Brian kept getting harassed by Braga's questions, "You sure you know where the tunnels are? You sure?"
Driving straight towards a wall, Brian said, "Yeah, I'd hold on. This might hurt."
Braga's eyes bulged out of his head as he saw Brian go straight through the wall and into the tunnel.
"You're in my world now, baby." Fenix stated, directly behind Brian. Dom was still outside, fighting off the rest.
Fenix then bumped Brian's back bumper and said, "That's it, baby! End of the road."
Brian noticed that he took a wrong turn as Braga asked, "Now what?"
"Uh! Game over!" Fenix said with a smirk.
"No, no, no, no, no." Brian then sees a boarded up wall and goes through that, taking him into another tunnel. Fenix yells as he drives up to Brian's car and Braga yells, "Come on!"
Dom crashes a few other cars while Fenix gets in front of Brian, making Braga laugh. Brian was fed up and elbowed Braga in the side of his neck.
Fenix tried to break hard, but Brian found an opening and drove up next to Fenix and slammed into his side. Brian then makes Fenix crash into a wooden beam, causing Brian to spin and gain control in front of Fenix.
Fenix took advantage of the narrow tunnel and slammed into Brian's back bumper again, this time making Brian lose control and crash as soon as they broke out of the tunnels and were outside. The car flipped a few times and landed on the roof.
Fenix grunts as he gets out of his car and pants. Brian was unconcious and laid on the roof of his car and Campos yelled, "Hey! Get me out of here!" to Fenix.
Still inside of the tunnels, Dom struggled for a moment as he saw he was about to crash into a wall. He then opened his door, causing it to get hit and fly off, and jumped into the car of the dude next to him. Dom kicked the guy out of his car, killing him as he got run over by the other cars. As soon as Dom's charger crashed into the wall, it exploded, making the tunnel collapse on top of the two cars. A cloud of smoke exited the tunnel as Fenix helped Braga up and over to his car. Brian then woke up and kicked his door and crawled out of the car. Fenix kicked the door and then Brian and cocked his gun back, ready to murder another member of Dom's Family. But that changed when he heard Dom racing towards him. Fenix shot at Dom, making Dom make the car go up on the back tires to avoid being shot at. Fenix tried to get away, but Brian held onto his foot, letting Dom hit Fenix, crushing him in between Brian's car and the one Dom was driving.
"Pussy." Dom grunts and gets out the car to make sure Fenix is dead. Dom then walks around the car to find Brian, only to see him with blood all over his face, and groaning on his back.
Dom ran up to Brian and helped him sit up against the bumper of Fenix's car. Brian held his stomach and once Dom noticed it was bleeding, he said, "Let me see that."
Brian pants from the pain and Dom said, "Yeah. Just keep pressure there. You'll be alright."
Dom's head snaps to the side as he hears the police sirens and helicopters. Brian notices it too and says, "You gotta get out of here."
Dom looks at Brian and confesses, "I ain't running anymore."
Brian continues to pant and then says, "I gotta ask you something."
"Yeah?" Dom asked and Brian continued, "You know I would have won that race if you didn't cheat, right?"
Dom looked a Brian and said, "You hit your head hard."
Brian laughs and then winces from the pain. "Don't make me laugh."
And for the first time in a long time, Dom genuinely smiled at Brian.

Brian's POV
A few weeks of healing and Dom being in jail, this was the day of his hearing. Today we find out if Penning kept his word or he sends Dom to hell.
I sat next to Mia and we watched the scene before us. There was a glass window separating Dom and us.
"All rise." The judge stated after groveling. "Please be seated." The police officer stated to the court.
When the judge sat down, he said, "Please rise, Mr. Toretto."
I put my arm around Mia, to try and calm her a little bit. Even I don't want Dom in jail after all these years.
Dom stood up and the judge said, "I've listened to the testimony, and taken into special consideration Agent O'Connor's appeal of clemency on behalf of Mr. Toretto. That his actions directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug trafficker Arturo Braga. However, this judiciary finds that one right does not make up for a lifetime worth of wrongs."
Dom then gave up all hope in freedom. Mia started to shake her head and tear up and Brian sighed and removed his arm from Mia and took out his phone.
"And as such, I find that I am forced to level the maximum sentence under California law."
Brian gets up and makes a call. Mia silently cries and Dom swallow the lump in his throat as the judge states, "Dominic Toretto, you are hereby sentenced to serve 25 years to life at the Lompoc maximum security prison system without the possibility of early parole. This court is adjourned."
A few days pass and it was now Dom's day to get shipped to prison. I wasn't having that though. It's time for me to put my badge away and be with my family. Jae called because she couldn't believe the news. Funny how wanted fugitives can be plastered on the news worldwide. But I have a trick or two up my sleeve and I have my future wife and two of Dom's friends by my side to get Dom free.
It was around 7 a.m. Dom's departure isn't until 11 a.m. And I know that it's bad timing but I have to do it now because if I don't, it'll never happen.
I rolled over as I hear the distant bickering of Leo and Santos. I chuckle as Mia groans and I lean over and kiss her forehead.
"Thank God this is their last day here. I don't think I can take anymore of their fighting." Mia laughs out. I smile  and roll over her to get ready.
"Where are you going?" Mia asks as she stretches and then props herself up on her elbows.
"We are going somewhere today because we can't do it any other day if we are wanted suspects in the next few hours." I explain. I put on my blue shirt and some jeans and my black Nike's.
Mia looks confused and asks, "What are you talking about? What's that supposed to mean?"
I then smirk and crouch down in front of her and grab her hand and say, "I've loved you for a very long time. And I want you to know that by leaving you, it messed me up, bad. But at the end of the day, if I get to come home to you, that's all that matters."
"Where are you going with this? You're starting to scare me." Mia said more alert. I look into those deep chocolate brown eyes of hers and say, "Mia Toretto, will you marry me, today?"
Mia stood silent for a moment, but as soon as she went to speak, I interupted, "Just hear me out for a minute."
Mia nodded to tell me to continue, "I know we just got back together, but I can't picture anyone else by my side. You are my rock, Mia. Even though I already made an appointment with the priest at 8 o'clock in the church down the street, you can say no if you want to. I'm not gonna force yo--"
I was then attacked with her lips on mine. After a few moments, we rested our heads against each other and she whispered, "Yes, Brian O'Connor. I will marry you."
I smile and kiss her again, but pulled back as I told her, "You know I don't have rings, right?"
"I don't care about jewelry, baby. As long as I have you--You're all I need." Mia smiles.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now