Chapter 39: Gulity Pleasures

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*Inappropriate content below. Read at your own risk. I just wanted to try something new. Let me know if u like it or not.

Jaelene's POV
As we took off and started speeding down the street, I felt this adrenaline kick in. It made me feel so free and alive! Han made a sharp turn and I squealed from excitement.
"You ok?" Han asked while chuckling. I giggle and say, "Yea. This may sound weird, but it feels really good to be in a fast moving car."
Han laughed as he turned again and said, "You can say that again!"
After the race, which we came in 1st place, Han collected his win and we took off to this little beach that was about 30 minutes away from the shop if you drive at a normal speed. It took us about 10 minutes to get there.
Han and I got out of the car.
"How did you know that I liked the beach?" I ask as we walked, barefoot, on the sand. Han smiled and said, "Well, you came from L.A. and there's lots of beaches there. And who doesn't like the beach?"
I look over at him, moonlight shining down on us and all I can think about is kissing him right now. Snap out of it Jae! It's too soon and you barely know anything about him!
"There's something I have to tell you. I didn't want you finding out from Brandon." Han stated as he stopped walking. He held his hand out to me, which I accepted, and we sat down and started running our hands through the sand.
Was this the moment that he'd tell me that he likes me? Does he even like me like that? I mean, we shared one accidental kiss, but neither one of us complained about it.
Han took a deep breathe and stared out into the waves and moonlight when he said, "I'm leaving."
The small smile that was on my face, dropped in a matter of seconds.
"What?" I looked towards him and whispered.
Han then looked towards me and quickly said, "It's only for a little while. I just wanna visit the states and explore new places. I can't be stuck here and do the same things for the rest of my life."
I looked away, and asked myself was is my fault and I guess I said it instead of thinking it because I then heard Han say, "Of course it's not because of you Jae. You mean more to me than you'll ever know. Think of it as me going on a little vacation. I'll be back before you know it."
I then feel his hand brush against the side of my face while the other moved a stray piece of hair and tucked it behind my ear. He turned my head to make me look at him and I saw that he meant it when he says, "I will never leave you without telling you, Jae. Your so much more than that to me."
I smile and sit up on my knees and say, "I believe you." as I move his hair from his eyes. I was the first to lean in, wrapping my arms around his neck and laid one hand on the back of his head, just holding him. He didn't hesitate to put his arms around my waist and hold me close. We stayed like this for about a good 5 minutes, not wanting to let go.
And tonight was the last time that I'll see Han for a while.

Brain's POV
After the little confrontation we had at the station, I called my sister and told her everything.
"The way I see it, that douchebag Stasiak, he's the one to blame." Jae said. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "Tell me about it."
"Just don't get too worked up about it because let's face it Bri, your not gonna back down. Not when your already so close to winning." Jae said sweetly. I smirked and said, "Thanks baby girl. And thanks again for letting me release my issues on you."
"Anytime big brother. Just promise me that you'll be careful." Jae said sternly and I laughed, "I promise. Take care sis."
With that, I hung up. I changed out of my suit and tool a long shower. When I got done, I put on my black and white Nike's, a navy blue shirt, dark jeans, and a gray sweater. It was around 8 at night when I made my way over to Dom's.
The lights were off in the house, so he was most likely in the garage.
"Everyone's looking for you." I say as I walk in to see Dom working on his car.
Without looking up, Dom replies, "I'm right here."
"It's nice to see you've gone with the times and switched to electronic fuel injection. Looks good." I say as I stepped closer to the front on the car. Dom smirked and said, "Buster became a gearhead."
I smile at our bonding moment, but then that smile dropped a little.
"I'm going with you."
Dom stared under the hood as he stopped working and said, "I don't plan on bringing anyone back."
"I know." I smirk a little. Dom and I made eye contact and he saw that I wanted to help him, so he gave in.
"Hit that throttle." Dom said and we both worked on the car, together, just like old times.

Mia's POV
I went grocery shopping being that there was no food in the house and I don't really like going out to eat alone. As I walked down my street, the lights were off in the house, but I saw the garage lights on. Confused, I looked in the drive way to see a random car parked there, knowing that it was my brother. I quicken my pace a little, but as soon as I reached the middle of the drive way and I saw who was in the garage, my smile faltered. Dom was there. With Brian.
Seeing them work together, it just struck a nerve in me. I turned and walked in the side door of the house as I felt those ocean blue eyes land on me.
I walked into the kitchen and put the paper bag down on the counter and sigh as I put my hair behind my ear. I set my purse on the counter and then start taking the items out of the bag. All of my bottled up feeling just came rushing out, remembering how I felt when we first made love, remembering how he told me he was a cop, to the feelings I felt when he left and didn't show up till a few weeks ago.
My breathing became unsteady and tears rushed to my eyes. I then hear a "Hey" and feel someone pull my arm back for me to look at them. When I look up, I see those blue eyes that made me weak everytime I looked into them.
Brian puts his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me in, and I let him. We share a short kiss and pull back. All of those bad things he's made me feel, I pushed aside. He's here now and I finally see that he's really changed. That's ALL that matters in this moment.
I pull Brian back in and wrap my arms around his neck. I grab the hair at the nape of the back of his head, telling him that I want more. Bri then grabs me and lifts me up onto the kitchen counter, making the bottles clatter.
We continued to make out as Brian takes off his sweater and throws it on the ground. His hands then go on either side of my thighs and then grips my waist. I ran my hands all over his chest, but as soon as his lips weak from my mouth to my neck, I moaned in pleasure.
"Wait. Not here." I say and Bri stopped kissing me. I jumped off the counter and grabbed his sweater from off the floor and handed it to him. We have about 30 to 45 minute to kill before Dom realizes what we're up to.
I grab Brian's hand and lead him up to my room. Nothing in my room has changed in the last 5 years.
Once we were in the room, I closed the door and locked it, just in case. Brian was still behind me and when I turned, I walked him over to my bed and pushed him down.
I climbed on top of him and straddled his hips as I took off my cardigan. Brian then sat up and took off his sweater and then his shirt. I ran my fingers over his abs as he moved my dress up, making it pool at my waist.
As Brian attacks my neck again, I moan loudly and say breathlessly, "We need to make this quick." Brian growled and flipped me on my back. Good thing I wore a dress today because it gave him perfect access. Brian lowered the top of my dress and massaged my breasts as he continued to kiss that sensitive spot on my neck. I then rotate my hips and grind on him, feeling his hardness. I hungrily pulled his lips back to mine and undid the zipper off his pants. I roll over so that I'm on top and Bri moves my panties to the side as I pull his member free.
He holds my hips as I ride him, screaming his name from the waves of my orgasm.
We quickly clean up and get dressed. Needless to say, this was one of the best nights that I've had in a very long time.

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