Chapter 22: Time has passed.

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Jaelene's POV
It's been about a week or so that Roman and Brian finished their mission with Bilkins and Markham. Words can not even describe how happy I am that nothing happens to them. Well I can speak for Brian about not getting hurt, but Roman dislocated his shoulder. He's worn a sling for the past week, but when he goes out, he take it off to show Miami girl that he's this 'tough' guy.
Brian was having trouble deciding whether or not he should become an F.B.I. Agent again.
"You do what's best for you, Bri. I know that you love the excitement that comes with the job, but your also terrified at the simple fact that you can get yourself hurt or that your gonna disappoint me again." I said truthfully to Bri. He looked at me as he thought about his options, so to reassure him, "I'll be fine! You won't have to worry about me cause I'm goin' back to Tokyo. Believe it or not, I miss Brandon!"
Brian chuckled and said, "Alright. So this is really happening, huh?"  I smiled as I grabbed my brothers hand in mine and said, "Yeah. You go back working as a cop and I'll be in Tokyo. Everything will work out just fine. I promise... And if it doesn't--we'll get through it. Together."
A month later, I was back in Tokyo. Brian became an F.B.I agent again and Roman? Well let's just say he's livin' it up in Miami with Tej. Roman was actually making his life a hell of a lot better by staying out of trouble. I guess it's working cause Brian hasn't complained about him not once...Yet.
When I got home, it was about 3 a.m. I unlocked the door to the garage and quietly made my way upstairs to my room. I walked past the kitchen, into the bedroom to see a very peaceful sleeping Brandon, wrapped up in his blanket. I smiled as I placed my bag on the foot of my bed and walked in Brandon's direction.
I moved his messy hair from his forehead and gave him a sweet yet gentle kiss. Next, I hopped in the shower for a good half an hour and changed into my pj's. I French braided my hair to the back so it would be wavy in the morning, and hung my towel up. After that, all I saw was darkness as I passed out in my bed.

Brandon's POV
It was weird. I could've sworn I felt someone kiss my forehead in the middle of the night. I shook it off as I looked at the clock to see that it was 10:30 a.m., so I stretched and walked around Jae's bed to go to the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks as I thought I saw her bed move. Quietly, I go to uncover her bed, to see my best friend sound asleep.
'That's why I felt someone kiss my head.' I thought to myself. She probably got in late. I smiled as I caressed her head, careful not to wake her and covered her back up.
After I got ready, I walked downstairs to start my day. Working in the garage was like any ordinary day. There really wasn't any buisness, except when the racers came in. When Jae left to go visit her brother, I actually made a decent customer who comes every Wednesday through Friday. His name was Han. He usually comes in for parts before his big races.
Around 3 p.m. Han came and asked if I wanted to go to a drag race. I didn't have any other car besides Jae's, so I took hers instead. She shouldn't be up for about another few hours anyway.

Nobody's POV
Jae was woken up around 6:30 p.m. to a loud noise from downstairs. She threw the covers off and made her way to the bathroom. After she did her business, she brushed her teeth, took the braid out of her hair, and made her way downstairs. She didn't bother to change since there wasn't time to go anywhere.
Walking down the stairs, Jaelene heard a familiar voice yell, "Shit! She's gonna kill me for this." Realizing it was Brandon talking, she got happy, but curious as to why he was yelling.
Jae then made her way to the garage to see her best friend and her beautiful car that she missed so much. But the big problem was, her car didn't look so beautiful any more.
"! BRANDON!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY CAR!?!?!" Jaelene yelled furiously. Brandon jumped at the sound of her voice, thinking that he had a short amount of time to explain before she was gonna kill him.
"Jae, I can explain.--" Brandon started but was interrupted by Jae as she crossed her arms and yelled, "You better! I'm gone for 2 months, and you trashed my car!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen! I went to a drift race and everything just happened so fast, and the next thing I know, the car went bumper first into a steel pole in the parking garage downtown and--" Brandon tried to get out as fast as he could, but was interrupted by Han as he said, "There's no point in explaining, bro. I mean, clearly she's pissed and what your telling her isn't really helping the situation."
Jae then looked at Han, but ignored his statement as she faced Brandon and said, "I don't car how this happend. But I will tell you one thing...I better have a new car by next month, OR, I will sell everything you own. Got me?!"
Brandon's eyes went wide, hoping that she wouldn't do anything drastic. "Yeah. Got it." Brandon said quickly and watched as Jaelene made her way back upstairs.
"Man, she's something else." Han said while smirking at me. "If you think that she and I are something, you are terribly mistaken. She's my best friend. I would never date her." Brandon states at Han, which caused Han's smirk to grow in size.
"Well, that's good to know." Han says as he walks around what used to be Jaelenes car. "I'm heading out. I'll be back tomorrow. Good luck with her." Han finishes and walks out of the garage.
After a few weeks, Jae wasn't as mad as she was when she found out what I did. Then weeks became a month, and I still didn't have her car... I'm screwed.

Jaelene's POV
A month went by since I came back to Tokyo and since Brandon's accident. He still owes me since he "borrowed" my car for a drift race and totaled it.
"Hey Brandon, you know how you owe me for my car?" I say as I walk into his shop while he's talking to some really cute Asian guy that I've seen before.
"Here we go again. I said I was sorry like a billion times! I'll pay you back with what ever you need like guns or weapons, anything, you name it. But I don't have a new car to give you girl. I'm sorry!" Brandon says in a hurt, I wish I could help voice.
"Sorry ain't gonna cut it Bran. Any way, I've seen you around here before, but I never introduced myself. I'm Jaelene, but you can call me Jae." I say looking at the cute Asain.
He smiles at me and says, "Well hello beautiful, I'm Han. If your looking for a car, I think I can help you with that. But Brandon here will have to pay me back."
I blushed a little and said, "Would you really do that for me? I mean we just met. How do I know your not some serial killer?" He laughs and looks at Brandon to back him up.
"Jae I can assure you that he's not a serial killer. He's a close friend of mine. And Han if your serious about getting her a new car, I will defiantly pay you back bro. Anything to make her stop bugging me about it, I feel bad as it is." Brandon states.
"It's your fault in the first place." Han and I said at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed. All three of us talked while Han and I got to know each other a little better.
"Both of you come with me and I'll take you to my garage and gorgeous here can pick out a car she likes." Han says to Brandon and I.
2 hours later at Hans garage, Brandon, Han, and I climbed the stairs to the balcony that over looked all of his cars.
"What's your favorite color beautiful?" Han asked me. "Um, blue, why?" I asks.
"Come with me, I have the perfect car for you." Han states with a smirk.
We walked down the stairs and then Han walks me to the only blue car he has. A blue Nissan Skyline. My eyes lit up instantly as I said, "There is no way your giving this to me. This car is amazing!"
He then handed me the keys with no hesitation and said, "Well it's yours now baby girl." I smiled at Han, and tackled him in a hug. We both then lost our balance, because of my clumsiness, and fell with me landing on top of him.
Han and I laughed as we got up and dusted ourselves off while Brandon stared at us in awe.
"Thank you so much! You don't know what this means to me! And Bran will defiantly pay you back for sure but I'm still taking you up on offer of giving me weapons and stuff when ever I need it!" I says thanking Han and talking to my best friend.
"Your welcome gorgeous. And I'll let him off this time, but next time I won't be so generous." Han says looking at both Brandon and I.
Being as brave as I can, I kissed Han's cheek and say, "I hate to look rude and do this but I gotta get going. I'll see you again Han. Keep in touch, here's my number. Thanks again."
Han and I then exchange numbers, and when we were done, he pulled my waist to him, hugged me and said, "Any time baby girl."
I then said bye to Brandon and winked at Han while getting into my new car with a big smile on my face, and drived off into the night.

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